Teller Report

King Salman: Able to deal with the effects of the Aramco attack

9/23/2019, 10:05:20 PM

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, yesterday said that the Kingdom is capable of dealing with the effects of the Aramco attack, while the King of Bahrain, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, stressed his country's "absolute assurance" of the steps taken by Saudi Arabia to protect its institutions. And defense

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, yesterday said that the Kingdom is capable of dealing with the effects of the Aramco attack, while the King of Bahrain, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, stressed his country's "absolute assurance" of the steps taken by Saudi Arabia to protect its institutions. Defending its interests, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday: "I can tell you that the UK attributes to Iran a very high probability of attacks on Aramco," and stressed working with the United States and European allies to determine a joint response.

In detail, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud held a meeting in Jeddah yesterday with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. The King of Bahrain said: “We reaffirm Bahrain's solidarity and full support to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in confronting any An attempt to undermine its security and stability, and its absolute support for the steps and measures it takes to protect its institutions, defend its interests, and preserve the safety of its citizens and residents. ”

He also reiterated Bahrain's condemnation of the terrorist acts that targeted two Aramco factories in Abqaiq and Khurais immigration, stressing that it "undermines security, stability and peace in the region," the agency reported.

He added: «We also emphasize that the Kingdom of Bahrain always stands in a row and ditch with Saudi Arabia, because of its belief in unity of purpose and destiny, and that the security of Saudi Arabia is an integral part of the security of the Kingdom of Bahrain».

The Bahraini monarch also stressed that Saudi Arabia is "the main pillar of the region's security and stability, and its safety valve in the face of the dangers and threats to it, while appreciating the pivotal role of the big sister in fighting terrorism and enhancing regional and global security and stability."

Regarding the terrorist attack on Aramco's facilities, King Hamad said: "The targeting of Aramco's factories in Abqaiq and Khurais with Iranian weapons is not only an attack on Saudi Arabia, but an attack on the world by targeting energy supplies to international markets."

For his part, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques expressed his appreciation to the King of Bahrain for his sincere fraternal feelings, which confirm the depth of brotherly relations between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples, pointing out that the Kingdom is able to deal with the effects of this cowardly sabotage, which targets the Kingdom and the stability of the global energy supply. They also reviewed the latest developments, the challenges facing the region and ways to enhance its security and stability.

In the same vein, said Boris Johnson, that his country believes that Iran is responsible for the attacks on two Saudi oil facilities.

"We think it is very likely that Iran is really responsible," Johnson told reporters on the plane to the UN General Assembly in New York. "We will work with our American and European friends to develop a response that tries to stop escalating tensions in the Gulf region."

A British government official said Houthi militias linked to Iran claimed responsibility for the attacks were "unbelievable".

He said he would discuss Iran's actions in the region with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during UN meetings, as well as urging the release of dual-nationals Iranians deemed to be held "illegally and unfairly."

French President Emmanuel Macron, in an interview with Le Monde newspaper, said the September 14 attack on Saudi oil facilities did not support diplomatic efforts to arrange talks between US President Donald Trump and President Rouhani.

Macron said in an interview with the newspaper as he was on his way to attend the UN General Assembly in New York that caution should be exercised when blaming the attack on the oil markets.

"The Iranians are flexible on terms, but they are not flexible on when they should be at the end of the process, while the US goal is to hold this meeting in the near term," Macron told the paper.

This comes at a time announced Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabie, yesterday, that Tehran has released the Swedish oil tanker, which was flying the British flag, after being detained more than two months ago.

Rubaie said during a press conference that «legal procedures have ended and accordingly, has been completed to create the conditions that allow the release of the oil tanker, and can now sail», he said.