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Kante's incredible goal, Neymar's saving thrust and Ribery's debut ball in Italy: European football events of the day

9/23/2019, 4:47:25 AM

Chelsea midfielder N'Golo Kante scored a beautiful goal in the match against Liverpool, but could not save the team from defeat. Neymar brought PSG victory over Lyon in the last minutes. And Frank Ribery scored a debut goal in the championship of Italy. RT talks about the main events of Saturday in European football.

Liverpool record and Chelsea canceled goal

In the central match of the sixth round of the Premier League, the leading Liverpool beat Chelsea away and set a record. Wards Jürgen Klopp became the first team in history, which managed to win six matches in a row at the start of two seasons of the Premier League in a row.

At the same time, the Londoners had a very good meeting and could very well have taken points from the current Champions League holder. They delivered more shots on goal - eight against six for the opponent and created more moments, but once again they reacted too wastefully to them. And the referee canceled the goal of Cesar Aspilicueta because of a small offside by Willian after watching the replay. Liverpool competently played two standard positions. After innings from penalties, Trent Alexander-Arnold and Roberto Firmino scored.

In the second half, Chelsea finally took possession of the advantage, but could not break through Adrian. Ultimately, N'Golo Cante managed to do it. The footballer, whom everyone sees primarily as a destroyer, made a magnificent slalom pass and crowned him with an accurate corner kick.

In the time remaining before the final whistle, Chelsea literally pressed the opponent to the box and missed several points at once. “Liverpool” was forced to play almost hang up, but its main goal has been reached.

Goal of the Ukrainian goal Manchester United

But Manchester United held another unprepossessing match at the start of the season and absolutely deservedly lost to West Ham. Wards of Ole Gunnar Solskher, who were left without a number of leaders, did not act to the limit and at the end of the first half they conceded a natural ball. The Ukrainian midfielder of the Londoners Andriy Yarmolenko after passing Felipe Anderson with one touch handled the ball and just shot.

Finally, at the end of the match Aaron Cresswell scored a very beautiful goal. The defender from the penalty kick struck an unbreakable blow exactly at nine. David De Gea, although he managed to reach the ball, had no chance to save the team.

Another Benzema ball and the victory of Real Madrid

If Barcelona on the eve sensationally lost to Granada, then Real, after defeating PSG in a very difficult match, defeated Sevilla. The game was not easy for the madrys, and by the time the break was not open. At the same time, the teams acted on an equal footing, and had practically no dangerous moments.

But the “Real”, as often happens, saved Karim Benzema. In the middle of the second half, he expertly closed the canopy of Dani Carvajal from the flank and scored the fifth goal in five games of the current season. Examples.

Having opened an account, Madrid calmly brought the matter to victory. “Seville” tried to organize an assault, but in the attack the hosts did not get much. True, in the very ending, Chicharito, who replaced, still managed to send the shell into the target at close range, but the judge rightly canceled the goal because of an offside position.

Racist scandal and incredible salvation in the end

In the Italian championship, the current silver medalist of the Napoli tournament won a landslide victory. The Neapolitans managed to recover after a significant success in the match with Liverpool in the Champions League and calmly defeated Lecce - 4: 1. At the same time, the newcomer to the team Fernando Llorente managed to take a double, who held only the second meeting with Napoli.

But another participant of the Champions League from Italy “Atalanta” started in the main European competition you can’t imagine worse: they conceded four unanswered goals from Dynamo Zagreb. Following this, the wards of Gian Piero Gasperini almost lost to Fiorentina, but miraculously escaped in the end.

Six minutes before the final whistle, the violets were in the lead - 2-0, and for the first time in the Fiorentina the distinguished newcomer Frank Ribery distinguished himself. The 36-year-old footballer, to the envy of his young partners, ran to another side of the field in a counterattack and closed the partner's canopy.

However, in the end, Atalanta managed to escape. First, Josip Iličić reduced the gap to a minimum, and then defender Timothy Kastan in the fifth added minute put an end to this bright meeting - 2: 2.

Unfortunately, an interesting match was overshadowed by racist antics from fans. In the course of the meeting, the Brazilian Fiorentina defender Dalbert complained to the referee about the hoot from the stands, and the match was temporarily stopped. At the same time, the speaker’s request to the fans to behave appropriately was met with a whistle.

Lost Dortmund victory and goal of former Zenit player

Missed the victory in the last minutes and the Dortmund Borussia, which before the start of the fifth round shared leadership with Leipzig. The yellow-blacks were very close to defeating the unsuccessful start of the Eintracht season. Shortly before the final whistle, they drove - 2: 1, and one of the goals at his own expense was recorded by ex-Zenit midfielder Axel Witsel. In addition, the Belgian was noted for an assist in Jadon Sancho.

But Dortmund once again at the start of the season did not have enough concentration in the end. In the 88th minute after an opponent hit, Thomas Delaney unsuccessfully substituted his leg and became an unwitting performer of his own goal. So Borussia tied a second time this week. Previously, the team broke up with Barcelona in the Champions League.

Neymar under a hail of foreign objects

Meanwhile, in France, Neymar continues to make amends for PSG fans. In the last round, in the 92nd minute, he brought the Parisians a victory in a tough match with Strasbourg, and on Sunday he again marked a victory goal in the end of the game with his rival Zenit in the group stage of the Champions League Lyon.

The meeting was very difficult for the Parisians. In the first half, they possessed a noticeable advantage and created several dangerous moments, but Anthony Lopes acted above all praise. However, after the break, the game slid to numerous skirmishes and broke into episodes.

It seemed that the teams would disperse in peace, but in the 87th minute, Neymar decided the fate of the confrontation. After the transfer of Angel Di Maria, the Brazilian turned under pressure from the defender and sent the shell exactly at the target. By the way, the striker in this game was obstructed by both his and other fans. In the second half, the player was literally not allowed to file a corner, throwing foreign objects at him from the stands.

Disqualification of Komlichenko and the first goal of Tataev in his career

Forward of Mlada Boleslav Nikolai Komlichenko failed to hit the gates of Banika in the match of the tenth round of the Czech championship. But this was done by another Russian team footballer Aleksey Tataev. For the 20-year-old defender rented from Krasnodar, this goal was not only the first in Mlada Boleslav, but also his debut in his adult career.

Subsequently, Tataev, like Komlichenko, received a yellow card, but their team celebrated an important victory. True for Nikolai this “mustard plaster” became the fourth and in the most important match with the leader of “Slavia” he will not help the team.

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