Teller Report

Halland has received its first certified Motor Industry College

9/23/2019, 6:56:25 PM

Kristinehedsgymnasiet, which is part of the Kattegattsgymnasiet in Halmstad, on Monday became Halland's first certified Motor Industry College. "I am very happy," says Dan Håkansson, principal at the Kattegat Gymnasium.

In order to become certified, the school has met a number of different criteria that ensure the quality of education towards students and the labor market. These include a stronger collaboration between the school and the industry, a quality-assured workplace-based learning and appropriate machinery, equipment and premises.

- I am very happy. This is a recognition for the quality of education we carry, says Dan Håkansson.

Great job opportunities

Over the next three years, the motor industry needs to employ 6400 people. One purpose of why schools are certified is to meet the industry's recruitment needs.

- We hope that the certification will increase the interest in our education and hope in the long term to be able to receive more students, he says.

Pupils in the audience during the ceremony. Photo: Anders Grahn

As early as 14 automotive engineering high schools have been certified as Motor Industry College.

Behind the Motor Industry College is the Motor Industry Employers' Association and IF Metall.