Teller Report

Cyclist Stefan Denifl risks ten years in prison

9/23/2019, 6:23:25 PM

Cyclist Stefan Denifl risks ten years in prison for fraud. Denifl went there in "Operation Aderlass" and has been closed for four years from cycling.

During the length championships in Seefeld in February, "Operation Aderlass" began to roll up when the two Austrian skiers Max Hauke ​​and Dominik Baldauf were arrested by the Austrian police.

In March, cyclist Stefan Denifl, along with compatriot Georg Preidler, acknowledged that he had doped and he was part of the doping network where sports physician Mark Schmidt is identified as the protagonist. In March this year, the international bicycle association UCI closed Denipl four for dopnnig.

Now, Denifl is also at risk of ten years in prison for fraud, according to Cyclingnews. According to the site, prosecutors believe that Denifl should have received as much as € 500,000 in sponsorship money during the time he was doped.