Teller Report

Thought grandpa cool - wrong post about hospital food in Södertälje went viral

9/22/2019, 6:17:13 PM

The food at Södertälje Hospital is criticized in a Facebook post that is currently being spread in thousands of sections. It was last summer that an 83-year-old man was admitted to the hospital. His grandson was horrified at how small food portions he was served and then posted pictures on Facebook.

“My grandfather is 83 years old and is at # Södertäljes Hospital. This is the food served for two days now. It is absolutely incredible. Even a 3 year old eats more. The supplier is Sodexo Sweden. Are they meant to be measured on this? ”. So is the post that was published last summer and was immediately shared tens of thousands of times.

The newspaper Metros Viral Reviewer examined the truth in the post and found that the person who posted the information had probably misunderstood the situation. A misconception that has so far been spread about 60,000 times.

Viral - again

Now the one-year-old post has gone viral again and is fully shared. The outrage is great among many of the comments that are currently being published. Here's a pick:

"Fy fuck, sorry how the elderly are treated".

“Fuck the hell out of it !!! That's when my grandfather was there before he left, too. "

“The pensioners are today regarded as a burden on communities. They have only been struggling all their lives for this country .... ”.

Is about so-called energy cost

The hospital responded to Facebook, explaining that a meal consists not only of the pictured hot dish, but also of starters and desserts. Some patients need so-called energy costs that provide the same energy even though the portion is smaller. It is served so that older patients are often overwhelmed if they get too much food on the plate. But of course, they want more, of course, the hospital wrote.

But the hospital's response gets very few shares in social media. The task is still spread that patients starve at Södertälje's hospital.

Damages the trust

Yakoub Malki works with the elderly patients

Yakoub Malki is a senior physician at the hospital's geriatrics, ie care units for the elderly. He notes that the reactions on Facebook affect the confidence in the hospital.

- Unfortunately, these events in social media have strong power, so it can have a negative impact. But it is good that the truth comes out and creates an understanding of how we work.

Food is more important than medicine

Yakoub Malki believes that the food served by many of his patients is often more important than the medicine they receive.

- Many patients who come to us do not receive any new medication. But we make sure they eat and drink well and receive good care. After a few days they will be spotted, so we can send them home. Medications are important, but also have side effects. We work with the patient's entire needs and then we succeed. But it is also important that we communicate with the relatives so that they understand how we work. Otherwise there will be misunderstandings and such negative signals.

SVT has sought the woman who wrote the post, but received no reply.