Teller Report

The PMA for all accessible from 18 years: Jean-Louis Touraine "trust the professionals" to identify "legitimate" requests

9/22/2019, 5:50:19 PM

Guest of the big evening newspaper on Europe 1, LREM deputy Jean-Louis Touraine wanted reassurance after the reservations issued by the Academy of Medicine on the extension of the PMA to lesbian couples and single women. & Nbsp;

Guest of the big evening newspaper on Europe 1, the LREM deputy Jean-Louis Touraine was reassuring after the reservations issued by the Academy of Medicine on the extension of the PMA to lesbian couples and single women.


Pedagogical exercise for Jean-Louis Touraine, two days before the study by the National Assembly of the revised draft law on bioethics, of which he is the rapporteur. Invited from Europe 1, Sunday evening, MP LREM promised that if the PMA would be open to all women, requests would be studied on a case by case basis. For this, the parliamentarian "trust the professionals, rather than writing in the law theoretical criteria that do not apply to every practical situation." According to Jean-Louis Touraine, if nothing prevents a woman from the age of 18 to apply for an LDC, her chances of obtaining authorization in reality are very slim.

The Belgian example

To support his remarks, the rapporteur of the bioethics bill is based on what he does with our neighbors. Especially in Belgium, where "20% of applications are challenged by professionals", those that do not correspond to a "legitimacy, an ability for the woman to eventually lead his family development project."