Teller Report

The Arab League stresses the importance of the role of media in facing challenges

9/22/2019, 10:06:45 PM

Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Head of the Information and Communication Sector, Ambassador Badreldin Allali, stressed that the Arab Media Forum at its sixth session is an opportunity to meet with a group of media professionals in the Arab region to exchange views and discuss developments in the media field.

Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Head of the Information and Communication Sector, Ambassador Badreldin Allali, stressed that the Arab Media Forum at its sixth session is an opportunity to meet with a group of media professionals in the Arab region to exchange views and discuss developments in the media field in the world, and the Arab region in particular. .

In his speech during the Arab Media Leaders Forum held yesterday at the Arab League, he added that the forum discusses how to face challenges and exploit opportunities, and work to ensure that the media play a positive role in achieving the goals aspired by Arab societies.

He explained that the forum is an opportunity to express opinions on media issues, without adhering to a specific agenda, within the framework of brainstorming, stressing the importance of conducting an assessment of achievements and diagnosing the difficulties and challenges facing the media through discussions in this forum, in addition to recognizing the positive impact through the media to achieve Priorities in the Arab region, and working to make the media an effective partner for other parties, including governments, the private sector and civil society.

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Arab Media Forum, Madi Thursday, the importance of issues discussed by Arab media leaders in the sixth session of this forum, through two working sessions, the first entitled «the reality of the Arab media and the future hoped for», including a number of axes, including the role of media in The changes in the region and the future of traditional media in light of the developments of social media, and the responsibility of the media in the current period, and the second session entitled «Media platform to lead public opinion», and discuss a number of topics, the most important development paths in the media institutions and media capabilities And the role of educational institutions in the development of the media industry.

In his speech, he stressed the importance of the role of the media in light of the difficult circumstances experienced by a number of Arab countries, considering that the media is a major player in those events, expressing his hope that the discussions will reach a number of recommendations to be submitted to the concerned bodies of the Arab League.