Teller Report

Paris: before being a candidate, Hidalgo defends his balance sheet and heals his left

9/22/2019, 5:50:13 PM

Paris: before being a candidate, Hidalgo defends his balance sheet and heals his left

Paris (AFP)

Housing, security, greening of the city: Anne Hidalgo, PS Mayor of Paris, defends its balance sheet in a book and polishes its social positioning, before a more than likely announcement of candidacy for re-election in March 2020.

"I will never give up," warns the mayor of Paris, at the end of the book "Le Lieu des possibles" (editions of the Observatory, 14 euros), to be released Wednesday.

The one whose mandate has been marked, according to his cabinet, by the "pedestrianization of waterways", and its fight against "air pollution", is widely addressed to the left.

"I am left-wing and I refuse to live in a city from which modest and popular classes have been driven out," she wrote: "Thinking separately of the end-of-the-world and end-of-month problems is a fundamental mistake. ".

The councilor recalls, while the cost of housing in Paris continues its upsurge, the restoration to July 1 of the framework of rents, but also "the construction of 100,000 social housing" since 2001 (when she was the first assistant Bertrand Delanoe).

While the factor of the rental platform Airbnb is regularly put forward in the price increase, the mayor of Paris said in an interview in the Journal du Dimanche ask the state to give him "the opportunity to act, and 'go, why not, until the ban of Airbnb in some neighborhoods.'

On cleanliness, an angle of attack favored by her future rivals, Mrs. Hidalgo admits in the JDD that "the situation is not yet satisfactory" and said "understand the frustration of Parisians", while ensuring that "all mayors from Paris have been pointed out on this subject ".

Returning to her choice to create a municipal police, Anne Hidalgo admits that she was "opposed initially to this idea", but wanted "more pragmatic than ideological".

- Alliance -

Some, in their majority, had denounced a turnaround. Yet, "the time of an alliance of those who want to build the world of tomorrow, a world that respects man and therefore his environment has come," insists the mayor. She told the JDD that it would announce its decision on municipal "in the coming weeks".

According to a close source, openness to civil society needs to be strengthened in view of a future candidacy that is hardly questionable. Thus, the former journalist Audrey Pulvar could be on the lists in the hyper-central Paris (I, II, III and IVth arrondissements merged), while the president of Samu social in Paris, Eric Pliez, should lead the list in the twentieth arrondissement.

In the twelfth, it is the first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire, who will be in charge of leading the battle. "It's a very clear political sign, the district is key, we send the heavy artillery and we'll see who they put in front," says a close.

As for the mayor herself, "the choice is not stopped", it is said among the socialists and leaders of "Paris in common", a campaign structure led by several deputies of Anne Hidalgo.

The team has in particular its visor the 5th and 9th arrondissements, in the hands of the right but whose "electoral sociology has changed." "In the case of triangular, we win," said Rémi Féraud, boss of the Socialist Federation in Paris.

With the environmental allies, nothing is simple for the time being.

"Our relationship with Anne Hidalgo has not existed since June," says head of the list David Belliard. And the former candidate of environmentalists in 2014 and current Deputy Transport, Christophe Najdovski, could according to several sources announce his rallying to "Paris in common". A not insignificant catch, even if we repeat at EELV that "this kind of transfer window does not move the lines".

According to an Ifop-Fiducial poll for the Sunday newspaper and Sud Radio published last week, the outgoing PS mayor is ahead of the vote (24%), ahead of LREM candidate Benjamin Griveaux (17%) and dissident Cédric Villani (15%), followed by environmentalist David Belliard (13%).

© 2019 AFP