Teller Report

Mourinho is learning a new language and reviewing his training convictions

9/22/2019, 7:05:59 PM

The Portuguese coach continues his media career as he prepares to return to the stadiums nearly a year after leaving Manchester United.

The Portuguese coach continues his media career as he prepares to return to the stadiums nearly a year after leaving Manchester United.

Mourinho was sacked as Manchester United manager on December 18 after struggling with several of his players, led by Frenchman Paul Pogba, and failing to lead the team to the title.

The Portuguese coach said earlier that he enjoyed his rest and said he wanted to lead a new project when he returned to the stadiums.

According to the Spanish newspaper "S", Mourinho is currently receiving lessons in the German language to add to the list of languages ​​spoken: Portuguese, French, Spanish and Italian.

It could be a sign of Mourinho's desire for a new Bundesliga experience after his previous experiences in Portugal, Spain, Italy and England.

The newspaper said that the Portuguese coach is also reviewing his training plans and thinking of abandoning his exaggerated cautious defense, which caused him problems with a number of players in the teams he coached and had important offensive capabilities that were hampered by the defense plans favored by the Portuguese coach.

The Portuguese media have linked a number of teams in the past period, including Inter Milan and Boca Junior, and Spanish newspapers have re-talked about the possibility of returning Mourinho to Real Madrid in conjunction with the decline of the team's performance and the inability of the current coach Zinedine Zidane to overcome the long period of vacuum Team-ridden.