Teller Report

Mondial-2019: the Argentine press criticizes Ledesma's "harmful" comments on arbitration

9/22/2019, 4:44:19 PM

Mondial-2019: the Argentine press criticizes Ledesma's "harmful" comments on arbitration

Buenos Aires (AFP)

The Argentine press criticized Sunday the words of the national coach Mario Ledesma to the referees of the France-Argentina match Saturday in group stage of the Rugby World Cup, lost 23-21.

The newspaper La Nacion regretted that Mario Ledesma "has forgotten the precepts of rugby", severely criticizing Australian referee Angus Gardner. "A harmful and dangerous message" according to the newspaper.

"It's a shame they whistle like a small country," said the coach after the defeat, pointing to two actions late in the game not sanctioned, wrongly according to him.

"In any Argentinean rugby club, boys learn that + the referee is always right +," says La Nacion sports editor Claudio Cerviño.

The Argentine press preferred to emphasize the poor performance of the Pumas in the first half, where they were led 20-3.

"The Pumas have lost time and paid dearly," writes the daily Clarin, in which former international Eliseo Branca judges that the players "were not at the level required for this type of match".

For the newspaper Le Matin, the Argentines "played a very bad first half, during which they were mentally and technically overtaken by France."

The hope remains for Eliseo Branca for whom, "in the second, (the Argentineans) improved, but did not reach the regularity". They will now win everything, especially against the English, to hope to reach the quarterfinals.

"There will be Tonga and then England, it will be + the + match after the initial defeat.Many people think that we must think only the match against Tonga.But the moment when the Pumas will play their future (against England) in Japan is close, "warns the former second line.

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