Teller Report

Know the preparations of the European countries in anticipation of Brexit without agreement

9/22/2019, 7:29:19 PM

Concerned that Brexit would be without an agreement by 31 October, EU countries are taking measures to ease the consequences for citizens, as does the UK.

Brexit remains a major dilemma after more than three years of a referendum in which the British voted 52% to leave the European Union, and its implementation date was postponed after it was set on 29 March 2019.

Some 3.6 million Europeans currently live in the UK, compared to 1.2 million Britons on the continent.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is looking for a divorce without agreement, despite alarming estimates from his own government, of the lack of food and medicine, as well as the risks of disorder.

In the event of an exit in this way, the EU plans to impose immediate customs controls, food security inspections and European standards at the border with the UK.

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The European Parliament approved in April the exemption of Britons coming to the EU for a short stay of visas after the implementation of Brexit, but the requirement of reciprocity from the UK.

More than one million Europeans were granted “permanent resident” status in the UK to continue living or receive social support following Brexit.

In early September, the British government announced that it would propose a three-year residence permit for European nationals wishing to reside in the event of Brexit without an agreement; London is also working to open new transit routes through ports to the Dover port (south).

Ireland: The problem of “safety net
In the 2019 budget, the Republic of Ireland has allocated 1.5 billion euros ($ 1.65 billion) to deal with any shock that Brexit could cause, and 1,000 people have been assigned to customs and health checks.

The focus is on a mechanism to control the repercussions. This mechanism is called the “safety net” and is designed to avoid the return of the physical border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland of the United Kingdom.

This mechanism provides for the UK to remain in a “single customs zone” with the EU, limiting London's ability to negotiate trade treaties with third countries. Advocates of a clear divorce with Brussels reject the mechanism and consider it will finally link their country to the European Union.

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Germany: "Ready for all possibilities "
The German government, which stresses "readiness for all possibilities," plans to adopt a nine-month transition period that would allow the British to take the necessary administrative procedures to stay in Germany after Brexit, and would then have to apply for residency.

France: Port development
The British, who live on French territory - at least 150,000 - are expected to "stay without a permit" for a year, during which time they must be settled, but the condition is similarly to 300,000 French nationals living in the UK.

Developments worth 50 million euros ($ 55 million) have been launched at the ports of Dunkirk, Calais, Le Havre, the Channel Tunnel and airports, amid the prospect of massive parking to avoid congestion. An additional 600 customs officers were recruited and trained.

Italy: Concern over Prosecco
For the British to obtain permanent residency in Italy, they will be required to prove that they stay for at least six months of each year for the five years preceding Brexit.

Italian wine producers, who export to the UK every year 120 million bottles of Prosecco, fear the repercussions of higher prices due to tariffs.

"Uncertainty worries us, but we are confident that British citizens will not give up their beloved drink," said Innocenti Nardi, president of the Congliano Valdobadini group.

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Spain: Ensuring the continuation of Gibraltar
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in September that his country, which hosts Europe's largest British community, was "ready for all scenarios."

The Spanish government wants to grant residence permits to "about four hundred thousand people", and to maintain the movement towards Gibraltar, which belongs to the British throne, which is visited by 9 thousand Spanish daily to work, according to Sanchez.

Poland: Focus on road transport
A proposed law would allow Britons to reside in Poland without an amendment to their legal status until the end of 2020.

Warsaw is counting on the EU to settle the road transport situation, with 25% of its shipments to the UK being handled by 2,500 Polish companies.

In mid-September, the Polish ambassador to London called on his citizens to "seriously consider" returning to their country after Brexit, in a message praising the good condition of the Polish economy.

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Greece: any impact on tourism?
The Greek government's concern is focused on the strategic tourism sector. Among the three million tourists who visited the country last year, the British were second only to the Germans.

"Can you imagine the extent of the delay if all of them had to go through the passport control departments?" Asked a tourism official this week.

The British will be able to reside to study or work in Greece until December 31, 2020, if Brexit, where some 110,000 Britons live in Greece, to work or study.