Teller Report

Guaido: Venezuelan opposition will send a delegation to the UN General Assembly

9/22/2019, 5:56:13 PM

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said opponents of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro intend to send a delegation to the 74th UN General Assembly.

“We have formed a delegation that will represent our government and all Venezuelans next week at the 74th UN General Assembly. This delegation is authorized to enter into agreements with leading world leaders in order to increase pressure on the dictatorship and support the people of Venezuela in the face of a serious crisis in our country, ”Guaido wrote on Twitter.

According to him, the delegation’s tasks will include bilateral meetings with other delegations, including member countries of the Lima Group and the International Contact Group on Venezuela.

Earlier, the US State Department said that “any serious negotiations” on Venezuela should be conducted by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, and opposition leader Juan Guaido, who declared himself the interim head of state.