Teller Report

Giuliani said that he did not fulfill political orders in Ukraine

9/22/2019, 5:47:13 PM

US President’s lawyer Rudolf Giuliani said that he did not fulfill a political assignment in Ukraine about incriminating evidence on ex-vice president Joe Biden.

“They are trying to accuse me of traveling there (to Ukraine. - RT ) with a political mission to create trouble for Joe Biden. It's ridiculous, I went there as a lawyer to protect my client, ”Giuliani told Fox News.

Earlier, The Wall Street Journal, citing sources, reported that Trump, in a July telephone conversation, "repeatedly pressured" Zelensky to "open an investigation into Joe Biden’s son."

The head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Vadim Pristayko, noted that he knew the content of the conversation, "there was no pressure."

Trump, commenting on these reports, said that he "did not say anything wrong" during a conversation with Zelensky.