Teller Report

Germany: Dortmund still leaves two points in Frankfurt

9/22/2019, 7:05:30 PM

Germany: Dortmund still leaves two points in Frankfurt

Frankfurt (AFP)

Dortmund let slip a victory Sunday in Frankfurt, letting itself go up twice to finally concede a draw (2-2), synonymous with third position behind Leipzig and Munich after five days.

The RB Leipzig, winner 3-0 in Bremen on Saturday, is alone in the lead with 13 pts. Bayern follows with 11 pts, after his easy victory on Saturday at home 4-0 against the promoted Cologne. Dortmund, thanks to his difference in goals, leads a field of five teams to ten points (with Freiburg, Schalke, Mönchengladbach and Leverkusen).

Witsel (11th) and Jadon Sancho (66th) scored for Borussia, Andre Silva equalized for Frankfurt for the first time (43rd), then Delaney against his side caused a draw in the 87th minute.

Marco Reus, the Dortmund captain, was upset at the end of the match when asked if his team had a problem with their character: "We did it like bricks. But stop asking us these questions about the mentality, it has nothing to do with the mentality! ", he said at the microphone of Sky.

More relaxed, the coach Lucien Favre also acknowledged that his team lacked efficiency during his phases of domination: "We can not dominate a match 90 minutes, but when we dominate, we must be able to materialize this domination. We have created great opportunities, we have played them badly We are missing something, it is clear, in the movement, in the conquest and conservation of the balloon, we lost too many balloons ".

- Like against Barcelona -

The two teams had had different European fortunes this week: Frankfurt had taken a big lesson against Arsenal, with a 3-0 home defeat in the Europa League.

In the Champions League however, Dortmund had shoved the big Barcelona, ​​very happy to leave Signal Iduna Park with a 0-0, while Borussia had obtained most of the frank opportunities and ter Stegen had even stopped a Marco Reus penalty.

Hyper-domineering in the first period, Borussia logically opened the score in Frankfurt by Witsel (11th), who took a ball returned after a first parade of Kevin Trapp on a shot from Sancho.

But the runners-up in Germany were slow to take cover, despite several opportunities, and their lack of efficiency was punished just before the break, when Andre Silva equalized against the course of the game (43).

After the locker room, the game was balanced. Witsel, again, delivered a decisive pass to Jadon Sancho, who scored in the 66th minute.

Driven by his audience, Frankfurt believed to the end, and on a shot by the Japanese Daichi Kamada, Thomas Delaney scored against his side: 2-2, Dortmund can blame himself and himself his current inability to score when he dominates. The same story as against Barcelona Wednesday in the Champions League.

To keep pace with Bayern and Leipzig in the league, and possibly to go far in Europe, Lucien Favre's men will have to find a consistency that they lack today.

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