Teller Report

Donald Trump confirms that he talked about Joe Biden with the Ukrainian president

9/22/2019, 6:23:13 PM

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, confirmed Sunday that he spoke about former Vice President Joe Biden and allegations of corruption in a phone call with him

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The president of the United States, Donald Trump, confirmed on Sunday that he spoke about former Vice President Joe Biden and accusations of corruption in a phone call with the leader of Ukraine, at a time when the opposition calls for his dismissal.

An informant's complaint generated accusations that Trump had tried to persuade President Volodymyr Zelensky to provide harmful information about Biden , Trump's possible electoral rival in 2020.

Trump confirmed that the conversation, held in July, had addressed the alleged allegations of corruption involving Biden and his son Hunter, and raised the possibility of a transcript being published.

"We had a great, very direct conversation, a very honest conversation. I hope you can publish it," Trump said repeating that he had done nothing wrong.

"The conversation was largely congratulatory, largely of corruption ... and in large part about the fact that we don't want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, to be creating corruption ... that already is in Ukraine . "

The Wall Street Journal reported that during the call, Trump pressured Zelensky about eight times to investigate the possible corruption case involving Hunter, who worked with a Ukrainian natural gas company while his father was vice president.

Biden told reporters on Sunday that Trump's actions seemed "to be an overwhelming abuse of power."

"I know what I face, a serial abuser. That's what this guy is," Biden said. The Democratic Party has been divided on whether to press for a political trial process against Trump since he came to power in 2017.

But influential congressman Adam Schiff, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that his own doubts about the impeachment were fading from Trump's call to Ukraine. "We are talking about serious or flagrant abuse and possible violation of the law," Schiff told CNN, calling for full disclosure of any "unlawful conduct by the president of the United States.

"I have been very reluctant to follow the path of destitution (but) the president is pushing us along this path." Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Beto O'Rourke have called for Trump's impeachment.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Ukraine
  • U.S
  • Joe biden
  • Donald Trump

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