Teller Report

White House spokesman makes a reservation about Kiev occupying part of Russia

9/20/2019, 10:05:46 PM

A senior representative of the US administration made a slip in the course of communication with reporters and said that one of the parties to the conflict in Ukraine is occupying part of the territory of Russia, RIA Novosti reports.

“President Trump will discuss with President Zelensky the importance of ensuring that all parties, including those who occupy Russian territories, adhere to the Minsk agreements,” a spokesman for the administration said.

Later, journalists specified from him what he means by the occupation of Russian territories.

Answering this question, he said that "the USA, Europe do not recognize Crimea as Russian territory" and stated that "Crimea is a legitimate part of Ukraine and it was illegally occupied by Russia."

He also noted that “Russia, as a participant in the Minsk agreements and the Norman format, has obligations to adhere to the agreements.”

An administration spokesman added that US leader Donald Trump will discuss with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky “the issue of the importance of Russia complying with the Minsk Agreement.”

In February 2019, the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, during a speech at a rally in the city of Zholkva, made a slip of the tongue, calling Ukraine an “aggressor”.

Crimea became the Russian region after the referendum of 2014, in which the majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula called for reunification with Russia.