Teller Report

The region's summer evaluation: A little tough but overall good

9/20/2019, 6:02:12 PM

A trade union survey shows that summer has been tough for the county's care workers. Now Region Västerbotten has also compiled its evaluation. And it shows both rice and rose. "It has been good planning, but some departments have had a little tough time," says Brita Winsa at Region Västerbotten.

Earlier this week, SVT told news about the working environment for the county's nurses. The nursing association's own employee survey showed that the summer for the staff was very hectic in several places.

- They are allowed to skip their lunches and have no time to go to the toilet. To keep their blood sugar up, they have candy in their pockets to work at work, said Jenny Olsson, chair of the Swedish Medical Association.

"It's not sustainable"

Now Region Västerbotten presents its compilation of the summer. They believe that the overall picture shows that the working environment has been predominantly good. But it is nevertheless important to take the negative signals seriously.

- Summer is a sensitive period from an operational point of view and many factors can have a negative impact on employees' work environment and, in the long run, the quality of care. In some units, the burden on employees has been very high and it is not sustainable, Region Västerbotten writes in a press release.

Good planning

Brita Winsa, Director of Health at Region Västerbotten, believes that it has been good planning and that on the whole it has been an acceptable summer.

- But of course we have to look specifically at the areas where it does not work and if it is something that can be planned away. Above all, it has been a little tough at Norrland University Hospital.

Managers answered the questionnaire

The purpose of the evaluation is to get an overall picture of what summer looks like to improve for next year.

The evaluation was based on a questionnaire that the business managers answered. They were commissioned by Region Västerbotten to obtain feedback from employees before submitting the questionnaire.

- It gives a true picture of how it has been, the managers have a good control of their operations, says Brita Winsa.

Wouldn't it have provided an even more true picture if the employees had a direct answer to the questionnaire?

- It is always the case that a larger selection gives a more accurate and nuanced picture, but it had become a very large survey to compile. After all, you do not ask all voters when an opinion poll is conducted at, for example, elections. We have to trust our managers in this case.