Teller Report

The Ministry of Natural Resources commented on reports on the recalculation of the cost of hunting resources

9/20/2019, 6:41:17 PM

The Ministry of Natural Resources has denied reports of a recalculation of the cost of hunting resources, which led to a 400-fold increase in their cost. This was reported by "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" with reference to the press secretary of the department head Natalya Khlopunova.

“At present, the Ministry of Natural Resources has sent to Rosstat updated information on the stocks of uncultivated biological resources of the animal world and their changes in physical and cost terms for 2017,” the ministry said.

It was previously reported that the value of all hunting resources in Russia, which includes 21 species of animals, amounted to 267 billion rubles at the end of 2018, which is more than 400 times higher than the estimate of these animals at the end of 2017 - 0.6 billion rubles.