Teller Report

PP, Citizens and Vox announce their presence in the Basque Country following the veto proposed by Bildu

9/20/2019, 6:11:12 PM

The reactions to EH Bildu's proposal to veto the presence of Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera and Santiago Abascal during the election campaign have not been long in coming. The chairman

  • 10-N.EH Bildu wants the Basque Parliament to see Casado, Rivera and Abascal in the electoral campaign in Euskadi

The reactions to EH Bildu's proposal to veto the presence of Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera and Santiago Abascal during the election campaign have not been long in coming. The president of the PP has demanded that the PSOE "break with Bildu" for trying to "impose a sanitary cordon" on his party in Basque territory. Therefore, the popular leader has asserted through his Twitter account that he will continue to go to the region to "fly the flag of freedom and denounce that Bildu still does not condemn terrorism."

Along the same lines as its leader, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has shown that "she had not thought about it yet", but that after this veto she has announced her "presence in the Basque Country during this Bell". " Spain is a country of free and equal citizens," said the president of Madrid.

The president of Citizens, Albert Rivera, has affirmed that his party "will never allow" that "Bildu's totalitarians" appropriate "not even one span of our nation" because "all of Spain belongs to all Spaniards." He has also insisted that "what must be vetoed" are the tributes to ETAs promoted by the Abertzale Left.

For his part, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has accused Bildu of being "a totalitarian group and heir of terrorism" and has asked that it be "immediately" illegal. "They neither prevented me nor prevented me from being in my homeland either by shooting or bombs," said the leader of the radical right formation.

This veto proposed by the abertzale formation directly connects with the incidents that already occurred during the campaigns for 28-A and 26-M when Sortu proposed through a video a "fascist disinfection campaign" after the acts of PP, Citizens and Vox in Basque and Navarre towns such as Rentería , Alsasua or Estella .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Santiago Abascal Count
  • Bildu
  • Basque Country
  • Pablo Casado
  • PP
  • Vox
  • Twitter
  • PSOE
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Spain
  • Madrid's community
  • Albert rivera
  • Basque Country Elections
  • Citizens
  • Alsasua
  • Sortu

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