Teller Report

Foreign Ministers of Ukraine and Germany held talks on Donbass

9/20/2019, 6:17:12 PM

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadim Priestayko and his German counterpart Heiko Maas discussed the Norman format.

“This is the second telephone conversation between Foreign Ministers Vadim Priestayko and Heiko Maas in the past two days. With the help of our German friends, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine is trying with all his might to move the Normandy process from a dead point, ”Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrei Melnik wrote on Twitter.

The day before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a second telephone conversation in a day with the head of the German Foreign Ministry, Heiko Maas, during which they discussed the situation in the Donbass.

Lavrov and Maas discussed the situation with the failure on the part of representatives of Kiev to agree on proposals previously approved at a meeting of advisers to leaders of Norman-format countries. The incident occurred during a meeting of the contact group in Minsk on September 18.