Teller Report

Community Development in Dubai sponsors an anonymous and anonymous elderly

9/20/2019, 10:10:39 PM

The Dubai Community Development Authority sponsored an elderly resident who spent an entire year in an anonymous hospital where it was found that the identity presented with his admission papers belonged to a deceased person since 2002, and took all measures to provide the appropriate accommodation and the care required.

The Community Development Authority in Dubai sponsored an elderly resident who spent an entire year in an unidentified hospital.It was found that the identity presented along with his admission papers belonged to a deceased person since 2002.It took all measures to provide the appropriate accommodation and the required care.

Mariam Hamad Al Hammadi, Director of the Senior Citizens Department, told Emirates Today that the Department of Senior Citizens has received a call from the Dubai Police requesting to find a place to care for an elderly person who has finished his treatment in the hospital after spending a year and his condition has stabilized.

Al-Hammadi said that the team of the elderly in the body began to search for his family, but was unable to reach any of his relatives, adding that it was assigned to the police, who managed to find where he lived before entering the hospital.

Al-Hammadi said that the investigation showed that the family that brought the elderly to the hospital is a family that he worked with for decades since he came as a young boy from his country, but denied to provide identity in the hospital. Al-Hammadi added that the elderly is 77 years old, and is no longer able to work, especially after suffering a stroke and was hospitalized a year. She said he lost his memory because of the illness and even did not know his name, which prevents him from responding to any attempt to reach his family outside the country.

"The elderly is not in a position to travel or search for his family, and according to the family he served is not married and has no children, and therefore there is no one to support." She pointed out that the Authority has reached out to charitable institutions and bodies to find a body that provides him with a steady source of income to secure the requirements of his daily life.

Al-Hammadi added: “Although the elderly situation does not fall within the beneficiaries of the social welfare programs provided by the Authority, community development has taken on the responsibility of following up the situation of the elderly.” Care required.

The elderly completed his treatment in the hospital after spending a full year and his condition stabilized.