Teller Report

Coalition targets booby-trapped Houthi booby-trapped boats north of Hodeidah

9/20/2019, 10:09:08 PM

The Arab Coalition Forces in Support of Legitimacy in Yemen said that they started carrying out a qualitative military operation, north of Hodeidah governorate, to destroy legitimate military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist militias, and failed a terrorist operation in the Red Sea, while coalition fighters bombed militia positions in Saada

The Arab Coalition Forces in Support of Legitimacy in Yemen said that they started carrying out a qualitative military operation, north of Hodeidah governorate, to destroy legitimate military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist militias, and failed a terrorist operation in the Red Sea, while coalition fighters bombed militia positions in Saada.

In detail, the spokesman for the coalition forces (the Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen), Col. Turki al-Maliki, said that the joint forces of the coalition carried out, on Friday at dawn, an operation targeting quality north of Hodeidah province, against hostile targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist militias that threaten regional and international security.

Colonel al-Maliki explained that the destroyed targets included four sites for the collection and booby-trapping of remote-controlled boats, as well as naval mines, where these sites are used to carry out hostilities and terrorist operations that threaten shipping lines and international trade in the Strait of Bab al-Mandab and the southern Red Sea.

Colonel al-Maliki added that the Houthi terrorist militias are taking place from Hodeidah governorate to launch ballistic missiles, drones, booby-trapped and remote-controlled boats, as well as the indiscriminate deployment of naval mines, in clear violation of international humanitarian law, violation of the provisions of the Stockholm Agreement and the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah.

He stressed that the command of the joint forces of the coalition has the legitimate right to take and implement appropriate deterrence measures, to deal with these legitimate military objectives, in accordance with international humanitarian law and customary rules, while continuing to support all political efforts to implement the Stockholm Agreement, and end the coup.

The Arab Alliance had announced the night before, interception and destruction of a booby-trapped boat, launched by Iranian Houthi militias from the province of Hodeidah in western Yemen, according to the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Colonel Turki al-Maliki said the coalition naval system spotted on Thursday morning an attempt by the Houthi terrorist militias to carry out an imminent hostile and terrorist act south of the Red Sea using a booby-trapped boat. Al-Maliki added that the gunmen fired the boat from Hodeidah province, western Yemen.

For his part, a spokesman for the Yemeni government forces in the west coast of Yemen, and Waddah Aldbish, yesterday, said that a Houthi attack was thwarted by a booby-trapped boat, which was targeting a merchant ship in the international waters of the Red Sea west of Yemen.

Al-Dabeish said that intelligence information enabled the naval divisions of the Arab Coalition to destroy a booby-trapped boat carrying Houthi militias towards international waters in the Red Sea. He added: «The boat was destroyed at sea, south of Hodeidah», pointing out that «the boat was carrying explosive devices and explosives, and traveling at speeds exceeding 35 miles per hour». He continued: «The boat biography Houthi militias, to intercept a merchant ship as it passes in international waters off Hodeidah».

Al-Dabeesh said that the failure of this attack comes within the framework of the efforts of the Arab coalition forces to secure international shipping lines in the Red Sea, in light of the escalating terrorist threats to international navigation by Houthi militias.

During the past few days, the militias have stepped up their military operations on the fronts of Hodeidah, and launched continuous attacks on joint positions and residential neighborhoods in the southern and eastern neighborhoods of Hodeidah. Medium, plus sniper weapons.

The militias continued their military escalation by shelling and targeting joint forces and residential neighborhoods in the Duraimi district south of Hodeidah, which has been trying for days to restore the liberated positions, with the aim of opening roads towards the southern liberated areas of Hodeidah and cutting off supply routes linking them with Hodeidah.

They also continued to target Al-Faza and Al-Jabaliya areas in Al-Tahita Directorate south of Al-Hudaydah, located on the sea link road, Al-Mukhaa Directorate, Coalition Operations Center and Joint Forces, and the rest of the liberated areas in Al-Hudaydah.

Militias have targeted heavy and continuous artillery positions in Faza, on the coastline, over the past two days. They have also targeted joint forces positions east of Tahita with RPG shells. Other positions of the forces north of the district were shelled with howitzer artillery shells, according to joint forces.

In the Yemeni capital Sana'a, local and tribal sources in Arhab district north of the capital confirmed that Houthi militias carried out large-scale deployments of their armed elements and military vehicles in the directorate and Tabab overlooking the areas north of the city.

The sources pointed out that the militias deployed Katyusha and Iranian missiles in Tabbab and the mountains between the Directorate and the Directorate of Nehm, where the Yemeni army is located, and also deployed weapons and armed elements in Tabab overlooking Sanaa International Airport, just north of the capital, and another towards the directorates of Bani Hashish and Bani. Harith and Hamdan.

Armed clashes in areas around Sana'a International Airport, between Houthi elements around a piece of land near the airport, were taken by the militias as a pretext for the deployment of its elements and military vehicles towards Arhab, and control of the heights overseeing the Directorate, and four of the directorates in an indication of the upcoming clashes in the region.

In al-Bayda, central Yemen, clashes continued between the joint forces and militias in al-Zaher district for the second day in a row, concentrated in the areas and villages of Al-Hamiqan, which were targeted by Houthi elements with artillery and mortar shells. And local resistance, to respond to fire sources.

In Sa'ada, coalition warplanes bombed a militia gathering in the Al-Oqab area of ​​the Sahar border directorate with three raids, destroying military vehicles, killing and wounding those who were at the target, and bombing Houthi positions in different areas of the governorate.

Coalition warplanes also bombed Houthi positions in Razih district, others in the vicinity of Kattaf and Baqim, and in Haidan, the birthplace of militia leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi.

- Goals, destroyed by the coalition included

Four locations to collect and trap dinghies

Remote, as well as marine mines.

- Coalition carried out a targeted targeting operation, North

Hodeidah province, against hostile targets follow

Militias threaten regional and international security.

The militias form a committee to exclude state employees and cadres

Local sources, in Sanaa, that the Iranian Houthi militias formed a specialized committee to exclude state employees and cadres, and replace its members and sons of the dead in their place, as part of the series «Houtna» public office in Yemen.

The sources said that the Houthi militias formed the committee from some of its elements in the ministries of finance and civil service, to replace the militia elements in place of its former employees, noting that the committee will carry out a field landing to various ministries and state institutions in the capital Sana'a, and areas under the control of the militias.

She added that the committee will study the status of employees of state institutions and report on them, in preparation for the replacement of elements belonging to the militias, replacing them, stressing the existence of ready lists of names to be replaced, rather than the staff expected to be excluded. Aden - Emirates Today