Teller Report

A Palestinian sit-in against an outpost near Jerusalem

9/20/2019, 10:08:40 PM

The Palestinian Wall and Settlement Authority announced yesterday the start of an open sit-in against the establishment of a Jewish settlement outpost near Jerusalem, and that after dozens of Palestinians performed Friday prayers in the Badia area of ​​Jerusalem in a sit-in tent set up for the purpose of sit-in.

The Palestinian Authority for Resistance of the Wall and Settlements announced yesterday the start of an open sit-in against the establishment of a Jewish outpost near Jerusalem.

This was done after dozens of Palestinians performed Friday prayers in the Badia Jerusalem area inside a sit-in tent set up for the purpose of sit-in.

Speaking at a sit-in tent, Walid Assaf, head of the commission, said Israel was stepping up settlement outposts to divide the West Bank.

Assaf accused the Israeli government of financing the settlers to take control of the Palestinian territories, to set up outposts to be granted official status later. Assaf pointed out that during the past nine months, nine outposts have been established in different parts of the West Bank.

For his part, Deputy Governor of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority Abdullah Siyam, during the conference, said that Israel "seeks to build a wall of settlements surrounding Jerusalem to isolate it from the rest of the Palestinian governorates," considering it the most serious step to the separation of Jerusalem, which is the outposts to change the face and identity of Jerusalem.

Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced his desire to annex West Bank settlements, the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea to Israel, sparking Palestinian, Arab and international outrage.

On the other hand, met with the US special envoy for the Middle East Jason Greenblatt, yesterday, the outgoing Prime Minister, Netanyahu, in Jerusalem, according to the newspaper «Maariv» Israeli. There were allegations that Greenblatt tried to arrange a meeting with the leader of a blue-white party, Benny Gantz, but the party denied that.

"Party leader Benny Gantz will be happy to meet with any US official when such a request arrives," a party spokesman said.

The meeting aims to share details of the US plan, dubbed the "Deal of the Century" by US President Donald Trump, with the person who will lead the Israeli side in the negotiations if a unity government is formed in Israel.

The Trump administration has announced that it intends to reveal details of the deal of the century after the Israeli general elections held last Tuesday.

Unofficial results showed that no party won the number of seats to form a government alone, which is 61 out of 120 seats, the total number of seats in the Israeli Knesset (parliament).

The two parties with the most seats are Blue White, with 33 and Likud 32. A blue-white party refuses to enter into a unity government with Likud, which has expressed its desire to do so.

Greenblatt announced his retirement two weeks ago, but said he was continuing his mission with regard to the peace plan.