Teller Report

Washington expels two Cuban diplomats to the UN

9/19/2019, 11:44:11 PM

The United States on Thursday ordered the expulsion of two Cuban diplomats from the UN accused of "activities that undermine US national security." Havana denounces a decision "...

The tension does not fall between Havana and Washington. "We asked to leave the United States to two members of Cuba's mission to the United Nations who were engaged in activities that undermine US national security," the spokesman for the United States said on Thursday. US State Department Morgan Ortagus.

After 2 members of Cuba's UN mission, we are invited to join the US Members of Cuba's mission to reside in Manhattan. We take any & all attempts against the National Security of the US seriously.

- Morgan Ortagus (@statedeptspox) September 19, 2019

"The imminent request for departure" was "notified" Thursday at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she said in a statement. She accused the two diplomats of having "abused" their residence in the United States to "try to carry out destabilization operations".

In addition, "the movement within the United States of all members of the permanent mission of Cuba to the United Nations will now be limited primarily to the island of Manhattan", the part of New York where is the seat of the organization, she warned. "We take seriously any attempt to undermine the national security of the United States," she added.

An "unwarranted" decision

The Cuban government immediately denounced an "unjustified" decision. "It is a common slander to accuse them of committing acts incompatible with their diplomatic status," Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Twitter. He accused Washington of wanting "to provoke a diplomatic escalation until the closure of the respective embassies, the strengthening of the embargo and tensions between the two countries".

Rechazo categóricamente injustificada expulsión of 2 funcionarios of the Permanent Mision of #Cuba in #ONU y endurecimiento of restricción of movimiento to los diplomáticos y familias. Es vulgar calumnia the imputación of which realizaron actos incompatible with diplomatic status.

- Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) September 19, 2019

For its part, the UN said it took note of the US announcement. "We will closely monitor this case and we will approach, appropriately, the governments concerned," said Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General.

The Trump administration has turned its back on the policy of rapprochement with Cuba undertaken by his predecessor Barack Obama. The United States has increased economic sanctions to tighten its embargo since 1962.

With AFP

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