Teller Report

UAE launches emergency oil derivatives ship to save Hadramout coast power plant

9/19/2019, 10:08:28 PM

An Emirati cargo ship carrying 12,000 metric tons of diesel for Hadhramaut power stations has arrived at the Yemeni port of Mukalla, which would have stopped working without the UAE's urgent intervention under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE.

An Emirati cargo ship carrying 12,000 metric tons of diesel for Hadhramaut power stations has arrived at the Yemeni port of Mukalla, which would have stopped working without the UAE's urgent intervention, as directed by President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and the follow-up of HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region and Chairman of the UAE Red Crescent Authority.

In detail, the representative of the UAE Red Crescent in Hadramaut Humaid Al Shamsi said that this ship is the first to arrive at Mukalla port, with the rest of the ships arriving according to the agreed schedule, pointing out that the support of the sons of Hadramaut will continue as a duty necessitated by brotherly ties and common destiny.

For his part, the governor of Hadramout province, Major General Faraj Salmeen Al-Bahsani, in a speech during the reception of the ship, welcomed the UAE's rescue support for the power stations in Hadramout. He said that the power stations were about to stop working without the UAE's rapid response, as the first ships loaded with oil derivatives arrived at the port of Mukalla.

For his part, Acting Director General of the Public Authority for Electricity Sahel Hadramout Eng. Abdullah Hamran, said that the grant from the UAE would solve the problem of power outages, which constitute the most important fuel causes, thanking the UAE and its humanitarian arm Their constant support for the children of Hadramout.

The governor said earlier that the urgent intervention of the brothers in the United Arab Emirates and its support for Hadramout electricity saved the institution from collapse.

He added that every house in Hadramout will be delighted by this support.

For his part, the Director of Sahel Hadramout Electricity stressed that the UAE stood with us in a difficult situation, and its support for us fuel is a stand with the people of Hadramout in crisis. He pointed out that support will remain a loyalty to the UAE.

This comes at a time when the areas of control of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup militias have been experiencing a severe oil derivatives crisis for days, especially in the capital Sana'a and Ibb governorate, where the price of a petrol jar (petrol) capacity of 20 liters on the black market belonging to the militias 18-20 thousand riyals ( (Approximately $ 80), while the previous price was 7,000, while home gas disappeared from the market.

According to local sources and residents in those areas, oil derivatives disappeared from the markets as a result of the fabrication of a new crisis by Houthi elements in order to raise oil and gas prices, as the control of the supply and sale of the Houthi group itself, and sell it since its control of the cities of Yemen and the capital Sanaa in the black market Created by her.

The sources pointed out that the Houthi group has created a crisis suffocating oil derivatives, with the aim of using them as a humanitarian paper to bid them, in an attempt to circumvent the procedures approved by the Government Economic Committee on the mechanism of importing oil derivatives.

Residents of Sana'a blamed the Houthi militias for the crisis, which is exacerbated by the lack of oil derivatives. Thousands of Yemenis flocked to stations that are still operating, causing long queues for more than a day.

The suffering of the population of Sana'a coincides with the disclosure of the Yemeni Economic Committee of the legitimate government that the Houthi militias make profits and benefits from the trade of oil derivatives up to 130% of the total value of shipments imported and traded directly.

In a recent statement, the committee explained that the Houthi militias are trying to weaken the share of Yemeni merchants from the market in favor of their affiliated merchants, because the revenues of the militias dwindle in the case of unaccounted traders in the oil derivatives market to about 59% compared to 130% profit obtained as a result of trading. Direct militias in the oil derivatives market.

It also confirmed that the real value of oil derivatives represents about 44% of what citizens pay when buying derivatives from the Houthi militias, which collects the majority of the remaining percentage to strengthen their positions of power, and in return refuses to pay the salaries of employees.

She pointed out that the real value of the oil shipment estimated at 43% of the price offered to buyers, while the profits of the oil company (affiliated to the Houthis) to about 28%, compared to 9% taxes and fees collected by the militias (which is a price additions in different names) The militias collect about 20% of the value of the shipment through the profits and transportation costs calculated for the militias.

In addition, the Economic Committee confirmed that the militias refuse to hand over 8% of the amount paid by the citizen in the value of fuel in exchange for the salaries of citizens in the areas under its supervision and international guarantees.

On the other hand, said the representative of the UAE Red Crescent in the west coast of Yemen: «The Crescent received a distress call from the competent authorities in the Directorate of Tahita to relief 23 thousand families in the region of Matina found themselves last Friday in the open after heavy artillery and direct shelling by the remains of militia pockets Houthi, killing nine people and injuring 11, mostly women and children, as well as burning their homes ».

He added that the Red Crescent Authority, as always, responded to the distress call by erecting tents and providing survivors of the Houthi crime with drinking water and food. He pointed out that the support of «Crescent» will continue within the humanitarian efforts made by the UAE to alleviate the suffering of these families and touch the necessary needs.

The Director of the Social Affairs and Labor Bureau in Hodeidah province, Adel Mukarshab, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the continuous efforts of the United Arab Emirates through its humanitarian arm, the Red Crescent Authority to provide relief to the victims and provide them with their essential needs, as well as their generous support to normalize life in all the liberated directorates on the west coast.

For their part, the people expressed their great pleasure in providing alternative housing and thanked them for the great humanitarian role of the UAE on the Yemeni arena, which contributed to the normalization of the lives of Yemenis.

This came after the UAE Red Crescent launched the campaign to return to school in the west coast of Yemen.

The campaign included the opening and furnishing of a school and the distribution of school bags among its students, among 16 schools destroyed by the war waged by the Houthi terrorist militia against the Yemeni people, and will be opened following its restoration and rehabilitation with the support of the UAE.

The campaign, which was inaugurated by the Directorate of Mukha in Taiz governorate under the slogan «My school .. my future», also includes a complete furnishing of schools that the Authority restored and opened earlier and number 36 schools, in addition to the distribution of an integrated school bag to the students of the schools of the directorates of Bab al-Mandab, distributor, waziya and Mokha The governorates of Taiz, the directorates of Khokha, Hays, Tahita and Duraimi in Hodeidah province, according to the UAE News Agency

The Director of Humanitarian Affairs of the UAE Red Crescent Authority Mohammed Al Junaibi and the Director General of the Directorate of Mukha Sultan Mahmood, unveiled the commemorative plaque at Al Jalaa Primary School in Yakhthal area, which was completed and constructed by the Red Crescent Authority.

Governor of Hadramout:

"The urgent intervention of the brothers in the UAE and their support for Hadramout electricity saved the institution from collapse."


Yr (no way)

$ 80)

Gasoline refill price

Capacity of 20 liters in

Black market

Of the militias.


Profits and benefits you get

By the militias

Houthis from trade

Petroleum products

Of the total value

Imported shipments.