Teller Report

RCA: in Bangui, a hundred people to follow the hearing at the ICC - RFI

9/19/2019, 8:44:11 PM

The confirmation of charges hearing of two leaders of Central African armed groups, Patrice Edouard Ngaissonna and Alfred Yekatom Rhombot,

By RFIPubliée le 19-09-2019Modified on 19-09-2019 at 22:26

The confirmation hearing of two leaders of Central African armed groups, Patrice Edouard Ngaissonna and Alfred Yekatom Rhombot, opened on Thursday 19 September 2019 in The Hague. In Bangui, the opening of the session was transmitted live by the ICC to the authorities as well as to civil society organizations.

Despite the technical difficulties in Bangui, the hundred or so people who traveled were able to follow most of this first day of broadcasting from the ICC in the Netherlands. Ali Ousmane, coordinator of the Muslim organizations of Central Africa, was present.

" This is very important because it is the history of the Central African Republic that is taking shape there in The Hague. This is a strong message to all criminals in the country, be they balaka or seleka, at least all criminals. "

It is not yet a case, but a process of confirmation of charges. Suspects can still be released. If this is the wish of some, in the room this gentleman who prefers to remain anonymous would like this trial to take place: " Impunity, we do not want it. Today we do not want them to be released because the people of the Central African Republic and their government campaign for zero impunity in the country. So we do not want there to be impunity and tomorrow these same executioners are crying, taunting the people. And the victims and their executioners live in a conflictual climate. That's what we do not want, but that justice does its job. "

A regret shared by many in the room: the presence of only one party to the conflict at the helm ...

→ Read also : RCA: ICC looks into charges against Ngaïssona and Yekatom

    On the same subject

    RCA: ICC looks into charges against Ngaïssona and Yekatom
