Teller Report

In Kiev, an action was held against the implementation of the Steinmeier formula

9/19/2019, 6:38:34 PM

At the office of President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in Kiev, a rally was held against the implementation of the Steinmeier formula for granting Donbass special status as part of the Ukrainian state.

According to Novoye Vremya, activists demanded "under no circumstances to implement Steinmeier’s formula." According to them, its implementation will mean "legitimizing the pro-Russian autonomy of Donbass and amnesty for militants."

At a rally called "Norman Conspiracy - High Treason" was attended by several hundred people.

Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadim Pristayko announced that he had reached an agreement on the Steinmeier formula at a meeting of advisers on September 2.

Later, Russia's envoy to the contact group, Boris Gryzlov, said that Kiev at the group meeting refused to sign it.