Teller Report

Aleix Espargaró, a pilot who says: "I also have super Spanish friends"

9/19/2019, 10:05:23 PM

A few days after the last general elections, when Spain still imagined a summer with the Government, Alex Rins admitted that he did not know the results as if they were part

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A few days after the last general elections, when Spain still imagined a summer with the Government, Álex Rins admitted that he did not know the results as if they were part of the latest Netflix series: "Honestly, I saw nothing." It was not surprising either. The MotoGP paddock is an airtight place that travels the world outside of what is happening around it: here we talk about engines, chassis and tires, especially tires. If they do, the pilots hide concerns that are not the competition and those around them - communication leaders, agents, sponsors ... - work to keep it that way. But there is an exception.

In recent years, a secondary actor of the Championship has plunged into issues such as the independence of Catalonia or bullfighting to open Twitter and has thus won many reprimands from its sponsors and many more followers. So many that, as he admits, has reached an exaggerated number, above those that look Maverick Viñales or Álex Rins: "A figure that does not correspond to my record." It's Aleix Espargaró , currently fourteenth of the World Cup.

«I see it normal to be up to date, the opposite seems odd to me. Many pilots want to sell that are foreign, but ... Do not put the news? There are issues that concern me. I worry if my mother, who will retire soon, will receive the pension, for example. Another thing is the reaction you create. I understand that there are those who do not give their opinion, because when you give it there are people who want to kill you. Or they tell you: 'You have to set an example'. I? Why? I am not a teacher or a politician, ”argues to EL MUNDO the pilot who looks like a better result in the Championship a second place precisely in Alcañiz five years ago and that ensures that lately he has slowed down.

After being the father of twins, Max and Mia , something has changed: «I slowed down a bit. After some controversies on complicated issues I now watch more. I sleep peacefully because I say what I think and act accordingly, but I have learned to handle myself. And that seems negative to me that I have to do it. If we eat athletes when they give an opinion contrary to ours, we only get them to say absolutely nothing.

Although in several moments of his career he has become involved with colleagues and even with followers through social networks, Espargaró lived a time in the forefront. In July 2016, after the death of the bullfighter Víctor Barrio, he crudely showed his opposition to bullfighting (“You kill living beings for fun, you have fun and it makes you happy to see a poor animal agonize!”) And, a year later Next, in September 2017, even before the holding of the illegal referendum in Catalonia, he was very critical of the steps taken by the Government of Mariano Rajoy to stop him: «I am 100% in favor of the right to decide and totally against the barbarism that the Spanish Government is doing against democracy ».

With a recognized reputation as a trainee since his debut in 125cc in 2004 and between Suzuki and Aprilia, those messes added a reputation for controversy that he now wants to dwarf, although if he is asked he is still entering the rag. For example, about Catalonia.

«I never positioned myself as an independentist, you will not find a statement from me in that sense, I have a strong Catalan feeling, but I positioned myself in another way. I am lucky to travel all over the world and Spain is the country where the neighbor's opinion is most irritating. We must learn. I have super Catalan friends and friends who manifest themselves with the flag of Spain, super Spanish friends, and there is no problem, ”says the pilot born in Granollers 30 years ago.

Like other Catalan athletes, he has certainly never shown up in the wake, but he has always called for an independence referendum: «Why does anyone have to decide for you? If everything is done within a legal framework, if people are asked about this issue and there is an overwhelming majority in favor ... Why should it be banned? Who are they going to kill? Who will they leave without eating? In sports we always create controversy on this subject and it is absurd. One of my favorite athletes is [the mountain runner] Núria Picas , who is not hiding, who is a full-fledged independentist and another of my favorite athletes is Rafa Nadal , who always flies the Spanish flag and is cool, perfect ».

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