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“This is a summary of the suspension”: Shlyakhtin on preparations for the IAAF Congress and the chances for the restoration of the VFLA

9/19/2019, 6:53:40 PM

President of the All-Russian Athletics Federation Dmitry Shlyakhtin estimates the chances of an early restoration of the agency’s rights in the IAAF structure as fifty to fifty. The official said this in an interview with RT. In addition, the functionary revealed the secrets of preparing for a speech at the congress of the international federation and told what stage the investigation of the case of Danila Lysenko is at.

- What feelings are you preparing to address the IAAF working committee once again?

- If our question is positively resolved on September 23 at the IAAF Council, then my speech at the Congress will no longer be relevant. Thus, we have two options for the development of events. The plot with the ability not to speak, as you know, suits me more. Let me remind you that this is already my second performance, the previous one was in London two years ago. Of course, these are certain emotions, because I understand how important the information that I will voice.

- The fact that you are speaking at the IAAF Congress, where all the federations will be gathered, leaves a mark? Is this event different from previous ordinary meetings with the working group?

- More than 200 national federations will take part in the meeting of the congress. A week and a half ago, we already sent materials to the IAAF for distribution to all our colleagues from the national federations on the work done over four years. So everyone is aware of the nuances. I intend to highlight two sides of the disqualification: the progressive direction that we have implemented over the years, and the negative that our athletics faced as a result of suspension.

  • Shlyakhtin: the plot with the opportunity not to speak suits me more

- How is the content of the new report different from the reports that you send to the IAAF working group on an ongoing basis? What has been taken into account since the June council?

- To a greater extent, this is a debriefing for almost all four years of the removal of VFLA. And the positive, our progress in many issues, and the negative consequences that we suffered during this time. There are things because of which we are witnessing a noticeable regression in the development of our sport. I will focus on this.

- If it’s no secret, how much time did you spend on preparing the report?

- About a month. It was necessary to systematize all the information available to us, carefully, deliberately and carefully identify the main points and reference points of speech. It is important to understand the audience, choose the right key, set the right accents.

“Everything possible is being done to prevent the recurrence of such cases”

- In June, one of the stumbling blocks was that a number of disqualified trainers continue to engage in their activities. How will the VFLA, after three months, defend its position on this issue?

- I do not need to defend him, as a certain work has been done in this direction. Assurances were received from the leaders of the entities that this issue was taken under control and the situation would not recur. Moreover, this issue is under control in the presidential administration. I am sure that everything possible is being done to prevent a recurrence of such cases.

- At that time, many drew attention to the fact that publications in Reuters about Sergey Portugalov, Vladimir Mokhnev and Valery Volkov appeared immediately before the meeting of the working group. Are there any fears that a peculiar information sabotage may occur now, as last time?

- I think no. Just do not need to give reasons, and then he appeared. There were problems and the need to solve them. I hope that now all issues are finally resolved.

- And how do you react to the latest statements of Maria Lasitskene regarding the restoration of the VFL? She again emphasized that she was not giving up on the words about the resignation of the leadership.

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Posted by Maria Lasicken (@ lasitskene.maria) Sep 6, 2019 at 1:09 am PDT

- I think that only the IAAF working group, which has complete information on this issue, can really evaluate the work to restore the federation. As for the criticism, very many of those from whom it comes (it’s not just about Mary now), in my opinion, cannot appreciate the real picture of what is happening, because they don’t know the whole scope of the federation’s work. Work is going on, and going on under the most difficult conditions and under unprecedented pressure. Moreover, the work is not always visible to those who criticize us. Not visible, since the negativity associated with our non-restoration overlaps everything. This can be understood.

- But Maria is currently the face of Russian athletics and is respected by the entire sports world. Could her words negatively affect the final decision of the commission?

- My opinion is that the statement of one athlete does not reflect the real picture of what kind of work was done by the VFLA.

- What will be the position of the Federation on the issue of falsification of documents of Danila Lysenko, who also delayed the restoration of the Federation?

- An independent body to combat the negative phenomena in athletics (AIU) is conducting an investigation, we are providing assistance, we are cooperating. The Federation is interested in ensuring that the investigation is objective and, if possible, is not delayed. AIU has no questions about VFLA at the moment, there were several positions at the IAAF Council in Monaco, which prevented the restoration of VFLA. This is Lysenko’s case, and the facts of violation of the suspension conditions for life by disqualified trainers, and the incomplete re-examination of samples from the Moscow laboratory.

“We try to comply with the requirements that they expose to us”

- How do you assess the likelihood of VFLA recovery now?

- Fifty fifty.

- In a recent interview, Sergei Shubenkov said that even if the federation is restored, it will happen with the mark “execute after the World Cup”. It turns out that there is no chance to appear in Doha under your own flag?

- I do not presume to comment on this.

- At the same time, the IOC permits athletes to compete under their own flag, just as it was at the European Games, it will be at the War Games. In this regard, the IAAF does not have a kind of jealousy that their requirements sometimes do not work, which could harm the restoration?

- I think this question should be redirected to the IAAF.

- How are your personal relations with the working group, with those who will make the decision on restoration? Is there any feeling that this story itself may bother them?

- I did not ask them, but they look pretty good. Let's wait on the 23rd.

- Is it possible that you will be asked questions about the latest scandals in athletics? Such as the RUSADA raid in Chuvashia and the falsification of results by Judge Vasily Shkurbitsky. Is there anything to answer in these cases?

- According to Shkurbitsky, the question is closed. The Federation reacted harshly and disqualified him. In Chuvashia, the question is different, as I understand it, this is a continuation of the investigation initiated in 2017. RUSADA has not yet ruled on these cases. I do not think that I have the right now to comment on this issue, which is not in the zone of responsibility of the federation.

  • Shlyakhtin: according to Shkurbitsky, the question is closed

- Can the recent admission of another 11 athletes be taken as a good sign? In fact, some of them were given a chance to speak at the World Cup now?

- The more cool athletes, the higher the competitiveness of the competition. Russian athletes are strong and competitive in many types of World Cup programs. So for the organizers of the competition, the expansion of our quota is a tangible plus.

- What is the reason for the refusal of another 18 athletes, including Anna Chicherova, Antonina Krivoshapka and Ekaterina Koneva?

- We are waiting for the motivation for these refusals, until we received these documents from the IAAF. I see no reason to comment on this now, because it will be a level of guesswork and speculation, wait for the facts.