Teller Report

Including sitting at an angle of 35 degrees when using the toilet .. 6 ways to treat constipation

9/18/2019, 3:23:16 PM

Americans spend more than $ 250 million a year on the treatment of constipation, and although this situation may be frustrating and painful, it happens in most cases because of not eating enough fiber or dry body.

There are six quick ways you can get rid of constipation: writers Daniel Chopin and Natalia Priva said in their report published by the Bright Side website.

Drink honey and lemon tea
One way is to make tea by adding honey and lemon to the water, because honey is laxative and helps to reduce the acidity of the lemon tea. On the other hand, lemon acts as a natural stimulant to the digestive system.

Drink plenty of water
Men should drink at least 3.7 liters of fluid, while women should drink 2.7 liters per day, because hard, hard stools are the most common cause of constipation, the authors added. In contrast, drinking enough water will increase the body's moisture and facilitate the passage of stool.

Juices made from water and fruit are the best remedy to combat constipation.Pear and apple juices are light natural laxatives, so your condition will improve if you take them. Also, avoid caffeinated beverages and soft drinks because they are diuretic, reducing your body's fluids rather than moisturizing them.

3 - Eat foods rich in fiber
Foods that contain fiber are a natural laxative, as feces help to keep more water inside. Therefore, you should include at least 20 or 35 grams of fiber in your daily diet to keep your stool flowing smoothly.

Food sources rich in fiber include cabbage, apples, figs, bran grains and black beans, as well as seeds and nuts such as pumpkin seeds, sesame, sunflower or flaxseed. However, avoid eating flaxseed if you have bleeding disorders, intestinal obstruction or high blood pressure, and pregnant and lactating women should avoid eating it.

4 - eat dried plums
Dried peaches are rich in fiber and contain sorbitol, a sugar that softens stools and relieves constipation naturally. One hundred grams of dried plums contain 14.7 grams of sorbitol.

However, if you don't like the taste of dried peaches you can drink a glass of peach juice instead. Although the juice contains less fiber than fruit, it is beneficial. In fact, peaches take some time to show its effect. Therefore, you should wait an hour or two after taking it.

5- Add yogurt to your meals
Yogurt contains probiotics that studies have shown to help facilitate the passage of stool with minimal pain.

6 - Adopted a correct sitting position when using the toilet
Sitting with a straight back (90 degrees between the back and thighs) is very common, but this sitting position is wrong because the stool exit corridor becomes narrow due to the tightening of the anal lifting muscle, a muscle that surrounds the end of the colon.

When the angle between the thighs and hips is ninety degrees, this muscle is tight and does not allow the colon to open properly.

Therefore, the correct way to sit is to lean forward so that your spine is approximately 35 degrees angle compared to your thighs.