Teller Report

US and Allies Activate Rio Pact Due to Venezuela Situation

9/17/2019, 10:07:00 PM

The United States and its allies in Latin America have decided to activate the mutual defense treaty, also known as the Rio Pact, due to the situation in Venezuela.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the US State Department.

“The United States and our partners are resorting to the Inter-American Treaty of Mutual Assistance (the Rio Pact), which will enable further collective action to counter the threat posed by the former regime of Nicolas Maduro to the Venezuelan people and the region,” the State Department said.

The US Foreign Office said the United States and its allies plan to discuss political and economic measures against Venezuela.

Earlier, Washington added three individuals and 16 companies to the sanctions lists for Venezuela.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned US attempts to change the political landscape of Latin America.