Teller Report

SVT's broadcast on election results in Israel: "It will be difficult"

9/17/2019, 9:05:10 PM

After an extremely even preliminary result in the Israeli elections, it is difficult to say what will happen now. Samir Abu Eid, SVT's foreign reporter on site in Tel Aviv, explains what alternatives are available. "It will probably take weeks of negotiations to find a solution," he says.

After the first polling in the Israeli elections, it is incredibly even and if the results stand, no one will be able to form government. Just like after the last election in April.

Samir Abu Eid, SVT's foreign reporter on site in Tel Aviv, has followed the election movement closely.

- There are plenty of alternatives, but it will be difficult. Many people think it will take weeks of negotiations to find a solution.

Extremely even

According to the first polling polls in Israel, Tuesday's new elections are very even. According to Channel 12 television channel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud gets 33 seats in parliament against 34 for Benny Gantz's Blue and White alliance.

If the election results are as even as the polls show, what will be the alternatives?

- An alternative is a right-wing coalition with Likud and Orthodox and nationalist minorities. The difficult thing is that the small parties are very far apart. Avigdor Lieberman's party Yisrael Beiteinu, Israel our home, refuses to sit in a coalition if the orthodox in the country are not forced to do military service, says Samir Abu Eid and continues:

- Another possibility, which is probably even more difficult to achieve, is a middle-left coalition with Blåvitt. But then, for example, the party Arab list would be included, which could create problems.

61 seats required

There are 120 seats in the Knesset and a party or coalition must have 61 seats in order to form government. After the April elections, no such coalition succeeded.

- You are also talking about a unity government that includes Likud, Blåvitt and Israel our home. The problem then is that it will be difficult to agree on who should be prime minister. Gantz might think of a unifying government, but not one with Netanyahu as prime minister.

Could it be another election?

- Many people I've talked to think it's possible. Others have said that they do not want another choice, for example, that it costs a lot of money, which increases the pressure on politicians. But it is incredibly difficult to make an assessment at this time.

It is extremely even, but is there any winner in this preliminary result?

- It is quite clear: Avigdor Lieberman, and Israel our home. Lieberman doubled his mandate. He may have much to say about the coalition negotiations.

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