Teller Report

State medical aid: a divided government on the issue

9/17/2019, 6:32:15 PM

In 15 days of a debate on migration policy in the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron wanted to have a harder speech on this subject. Among the topics mentioned: & nbsp; State Medical Aid.

At 15 days of a debate on migration policy in the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron wanted to have a harder speech on this subject. Among the topics mentioned: State Medical Aid.

The subject of immigration has been brought to the fore by Emmanuel Macron. Monday night, facing the parliamentarians, he pleaded to look at the topic of immigration "in front". "The left has not wanted to look at this problem for decades, so the working classes have migrated to the far right," he explained. And while September 30 will be held in the National Assembly a debate on migration policy, reflections are already underway. One of them is State Medical Aid (MEA). This aid that allows foreigners, even in an irregular situation, to seek treatment.

A divided government on the issue

This aid represents a little less than one billion euros per year in the state budget. The subject is therefore inevitably echoed in public opinion, when so many French people have had trouble accessing care. Having said this, the MEA has a health utility since it prevents the spread of contagious disease. In fact, the government is divided on the issue. Some push to reduce the basket of care, that is to say, all pathologies that can be supported by the AME. The Minister of Health, Angès Buzyn, is totally opposed and these arguments are high.

>> READ ALSO: State medical aid: "There may be abuses, we must evaluate", says Gilles Le Gendre

A member of the government, among the closest to Emmanuel Macron, confided: "If we see practices really out of frames, we will adjust, but no question of touching the principle of AME". Nothing is yet decided and the government is not sure to touch it.