Teller Report

EU projects are coordinated in Skellefteå - to promote sustainable transport

9/17/2019, 6:59:15 PM

Skellefteå municipality receives more than SEK 40 million from the EU to coordinate a European collaboration project that will provide better and faster education efforts in the battery industry and facilitate a transition to environmentally friendly transport.

In total, 20 partners from twelve countries are included and financed in the project, which will run for four years starting in 2020. This is about EUR 4 million, or almost SEK 43 million, from the EU program Erasmus +.

- The application is granted, only formalities remain. It is we who coordinate the project and the background to it is our close collaboration with Northvolt, says Anders Norberg, education strategist at Skellefteå municipality.

"Will be fun"

The project will lead to a kind of template, or model, for how other European regions can quickly transition to battery production and environmentally friendly electrified transport. It concerns both external monitoring of, for example, professional roles and new models for relevant and functional educational design.

- This is going to be fun. It is very stimulating when something new happens, when a new piece of the labor market emerges, says Norberg.