Teller Report

Champions League, Napoli-Liverpool 2-0

9/17/2019, 9:05:21 PM

22.55 The journey in the Champions League of Napoli starts in the best way and beats the Liverpool holders 2-0 at the San Paolo. Intense and balanced first time. Napoli starts well (double attempt by Fabian Ruiz), Liverpool dangerous with Mané and Firmino, header out of a breath. In the second half immediately Neapolitan chance: Mario Rui cross, Mertens flying split and Adrian's miracle, Manolas' gift of miracle ball to Salah, save Meret. Napoli goes on to 82 'with Mertens on penalty. Then in the recovery there is the 2-0 of LLorente (92 ').


17 September 201922.55 The journey in the Champions League of Napoli starts in the best way and beats the Liverpool holders 2-0 at the San Paolo. Intense and balanced first time. Napoli starts well (double attempt by Fabian Ruiz), Liverpool dangerous with Mané and Firmino, header out of a breath. In the second half immediately Neapolitan chance: Mario Rui cross, Mertens flying split and Adrian's miracle, Manolas' gift of miracle ball to Salah, save Meret. Napoli goes on to 82 'with Mertens on penalty. Then in the recovery there is the 2-0 of LLorente (92 ').

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