Teller Report

«Fall of Stone» leads a section chief to court

9/17/2019, 10:04:15 PM

The Sharjah misdemeanor court considered the case of the head of a government department accused of negligence in the maintenance work, which resulted in the injury of an Asian worker inside a mosque, where a polyster stone used for decoration was dropped from the roof of the mosque during the maintenance work.

The Sharjah Misdemeanor Court has reviewed the case of the head of a government department accused of negligence in the maintenance work.

The details of the incident come back when a hospital received an Asian worker injured in the head as a result of the fall of a stone while working in a mosque. .

The court heard the head of the maintenance department, who said that the department receives donations to build mosques and is responsible for its maintenance, but the mosque where the worker was injured was the donor responsible for his maintenance, which brought the contracting company for maintenance.

He added that the one who brought the contractor to build the mosque is the donor, who agreed with the contractor, with the knowledge of the department, and the department has all the proof.