Teller Report

The Federation Council evaluated US plans to allocate $ 141.5 million in aid to Ukraine

9/16/2019, 5:56:09 PM

Oleg Morozov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, commented on RT’s intention of the American authorities to additionally allocate $ 141.5 million to Ukraine for security assistance programs.

“No need to roll your eyes in horror in this situation. Indeed, in fact, the Americans are trying to pay off Ukraine at a low cost. Amounts, from a military perspective, are not very large. It is impossible to imagine that for such funds it is possible to radically rearm the army and make it really combat-ready. Yes, this fuels the aggressive nature of the current regime, alienates from the world. But, in fact, the Americans also know how to count their money. I think there is nothing supernatural in this situation, ”Morozov said.

Previously, the Pentagon reported that the US authorities plan to additionally allocate $ 141.5 million to Ukraine for security assistance programs.

The US defense department added that, taking into account this amount, the total amount of aid to Ukraine is $ 1.6 billion.

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