Teller Report

26.9% increase in drug seizures in the country during the first half

9/16/2019, 10:05:55 PM

The Ministry of Interior revealed that its efforts in the fight against drugs at the state level, contributed to increase the proportion of drug seizures, including abuse, promotion and trafficking, by 26.9% during the first half of this year, compared with the same period last year, while calling on the Council to combat drugs

The Ministry of Interior revealed that its efforts to combat drugs at the state level, contributed to increase the proportion of drug seizures, which include abuse, promotion and trafficking, by 26.9% during the first half of this year, compared with the same period last year, while calling on the Anti-Drug Council to report Abusing children, stressing that the law granted opportunities for the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, rather than imprisoning them.

General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, Chairman of the UAE National Drug Control Council, called on families to report cases of child addiction or suspected drug abuse, stressing that this is an important step in providing assistance and treatment for this group. And change their lives for the better.

The Anti-Narcotics Council recently launched the second phase of the "Our Country Amanah" initiative to encourage drug users to abandon drugs and activate the community's role in cooperation with users, which extends for a week starting September 13 in cooperation with the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs. Tamim told Emirates Today that the UAE has provided several centers that provide the best and latest programs and therapeutic care for addiction patients, stressing the importance of encouraging individuals who have fallen into the clutches of addiction, to take the step and initiative towards treatment.

He pointed out that the most important methods of prevention are achieved by raising awareness among parents to report cases of suspicion by observing the behavior of children, follow-up and monitoring and evaluation of their behavior, and knowing the people who deal with them, and what are the symptoms and evidence through which to know if they were involved in drug use, and official channels That they have to communicate with to solve the problem of their children. Tamim stressed that «the role of the family in protecting their children from the dangers of drugs through follow-up, guidance and guidance, is no less important than the role of police agencies», pointing out that «the Anti-Narcotics Council sent thousands of messages to educate parents about the dangers of drugs, which carry educational content and advice to save children Of the dangers of drugs. ”

He stressed the importance of the role of educational institutions, schools and youth associations that work to fill the gap among young people, especially in the holidays and summer holidays, and then comes the role of treatment and rehabilitation institutions as a later stage in the case of the discovery of cases of addiction among young people.

Tamim noted the achievements of the police and anti-narcotics agents in the operations of arresting those accused of drug crimes, based on what the annual results and statistics show, indicating that their indicators exceed the targets set as the primary targets for the operations of controlling smugglers and promoters of this dangerous scourge, thanks to HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, who is keen on supervising the efforts exerted to combat drugs and reviewing the results and strategic performance indicators of the control departments and teams. Ml and various committees of the Council of the fight against drugs at the state level, which gives us the incentive and motivation to move forward strongly in addressing both tempted to breach the security of the country from the smugglers and drug dealers and the arrest of perpetrators ».

The Director-General of the Federal Anti-Narcotics in the Ministry of Interior, Deputy Chairman of the Anti-Narcotics Council, Brigadier Said Abdullah Tuwair Al-Suwaidi, that «the family is the safety valve and the first line of defense to prevent children and protect them from falling into the clutches of drugs», stressing the importance of strengthening drug prevention efforts to reduce the number New users.

Al Suwaidi said that «there are many who have tried the drug and paid the price of their experience dearly, they were slaves and lost their jobs and deteriorated family relations, and some of those who died in a deadly dose leaving a bereaved father and a bereaved mother».

He pointed out that «amendments to the Federal Drug Law, gave the opportunity for users, and contain them at the legal and societal levels, as it provided opportunities for the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, rather than imprisoning them and the first crime is not considered a criminal precedent to help them return to the right path.

Al Suwaidi pointed out that `` the control efforts of the Ministry of Interior contributed to increasing the rate of seizure by 26.9% during the first half of 2019 compared to the same period of 2018, which confirms the effectiveness of these efforts in controlling drug promoters. ''

«Awqaf» calls for immunization of children

The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs allocated last Friday sermon entitled "God loves the repentant", to encourage the guilty to rush to seek repentance, especially from drug abuse and addiction.

The sermon highlighted the UAE's addiction centers for repentants to rehabilitate them and ensure their integration into their society.

She stressed that the larger role remains on the family and society, if they repent repentant of harmful behaviors, and provide him with a good environment and good companionship, resumed his life again, and proved on the right path and became a useful product, can resume his life, and is distinguished in his community.