Teller Report

WSJ: Riyadh intends to restore oil production by a third by September 16

9/15/2019, 7:08:08 PM

Saudi Arabia is going to restore oil production by a third by September 16, lost due to drones attacking the country's oil infrastructure.

It is reported by the Wall Street Journal, citing Saudi officials.

“We should be able to return two million barrels of oil ... by tomorrow,” said one of the interlocutors.

According to the official, the situation turned out to be worse than the authorities thought in the first hours after the attack.

“We try to make sure that the market will not experience any shortages until we fully enter the normal mode,” the source said.

On September 14, in Saudi Arabia, drones attacked two refineries of the state-owned company Saudi Aramco, after which fires occurred at the plants.

Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Abdel-Aziz bin Salman said oil attacks reduced by 50% as a result of attacks on Saudi Aramco’s oil facilities, with some of the losses being compensated from back-up storage facilities.

The attack has already been condemned by a number of countries, in particular Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.

More on the topic - in the material RT.