Teller Report

Top 14: In front of Racing, Toulon reassures Mayol

9/15/2019, 5:56:37 PM

Top 14: In front of Racing, Toulon reassures Mayol

Toulon (AFP)

Rugby Club Toulonnais dominated the Racing 92 (32-29) on Sunday at the Félix-Mayol stadium at the end of the fourth day of the Top 14, the Var are back to sixth place while the Parisians (10th) deviate, despite the point of the defensive bonus, and thus experience a third defeat in four days.

The Rouge et Noir were nevertheless very scared at the end of the game by conceding two tries in the last ten minutes.

They did however an excellent start of the game camping in the half of the Sky and White and reassured themselves after two defeats of rank. Territorial domination rewarded by a test center Julien Heriteau (10) after a bad recovery of Racing. The RCT then scored its first try in three games.

Without ever being dangerous after twelve minutes, the men of Laurent Travers have reappointed all the same to the score thanks to the inevitable winger Juan Imhoff. As in Toulouse last week, the Argentine international intercepted a ball and came flatten in the goal Toulon (12).

After a penalty of Anthony Belleau, the three-quarters wing Var, Daniel Ikpefan imitated Imhoff intercepting a ball before going flatten (29) and allow the RCT to make the break before the break.

The start of the second period was much more chopped between the collapsed scrums, the changes and the yellow cards of the pillars François Van der Merwe and Vasil Kakovin, Belleau chained the points to the foot. But before the second half of the game, scrum-half Teddy Iribaren quickly played a penalty and sent winger Louis Dupichot to the test, with a magnificent opening to the foot (53).

The Toulonnais finished suffering. After the yellow card of the third line Stéphane Onambélé, the Racingmen chained the scrums in the five meters Var. They finally found the fault through their third row Yoan Tanga Mangene and returned to ten points, ten minutes from the end of the game.

Formed in Castres, Tanga Mangene recidivated five minutes later taking advantage of the largesse of the Var defense to register a doubled and plunge the RCT in doubt. Despite a last offensive in the 22 meters Toulon, the Sky and White made a hand foul, and left with the point, deserved, of the defensive bonus.

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