Teller Report

After Mohamed Ali .. Sinai activist detonates a bomb in the face of Sisi: This is the reality of the war of terrorism in Sinai

9/15/2019, 8:38:26 PM

In conjunction with Mohammed Ali's videos in which Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi strongly criticizes the regime's corruption files, Sinai activist Massad Abu Fagr broadcast a video on his Facebook account, revealing the other side of what is happening in Sinai.

Musaad Abu Fagr is Sinai's representative on the 50-member committee, then appointed by the country's interim president, Adly Mansour, to form the second phase of a constitutional amendment, two months after Sisi's coup in July 2013.

Abu Fagr stressed that the war in Sinai is not real, as the number of terrorists does not exceed the maximum estimate of two thousand, and they are known to the people of Sinai.

He confirmed that he met with the sheikhs of the Sinai tribes in 2014 with the head of the General Intelligence Service, Major General Mohamed Farid El Tohamy, at the Intelligence Headquarters, where he suggested to El Tohamy to intervene "to eliminate the Da'esh", but he refused to intervene and preferred to talk about conspiracies targeting Egypt.

Abu Fagr added that the ability of the people of Sinai to eliminate the terrorists is due to the fact that they know them and know their abilities, and therefore there is no easier than eradicating them, as it is easy for the Egyptian army to eliminate them if the mission is defined accurately and provide him with the necessary capabilities.

He said that the sheikh of the Armilat tribe, Atallah Abu Rikab, who knew him personally, was one of the most prominent people who tried to convince the authorities that the Sinai people were capable of eliminating the terrorists. He accused ISIS of killing him, but no one is sure.

Abu Fagr explained that what is happening raises doubts about the real purpose of the Sinai war, and is it about fighting terrorism or establishing complex interests in light of the deal of the century, and open an ongoing battle to scare the Egyptian people and convince them that terrorism is close to them?

The spokesman said that Sisi wants to carry out ethnic cleansing in Sinai, and addressed him by saying "this will never happen, and will not succeed", and that the fighting will only succeed in draining the country's wealth and capabilities.

He said that the deportation of the people of Sinai aims to repeat the scenario of the people of Nubia, and emptied them to sell Sinai within the deal of the century, and reiterated that this scenario will never succeed.

Abu Fagr revealed that the Egyptian regime comes with criminal convicts to participate in operations in Sinai, and then get rid of them or return them to prisons, and explained that this deepens the insult felt by the Sinai, in addition to losing the honor of the war.

The spokesman pointed out that the biggest loser in the Sinai war along with its people is the army of Egypt, which was thrown into a crematorium crushing its members on a daily basis. Ten thousand pounds.

Abu Fagr talked about the smuggling operations in Sinai passing through Gaza and said that they belong to the accounts of Mahmoud, son of President Sisi and his aides, pointing out that the people of Sinai are now convinced that Sisi is fighting the Sinai and not fighting terrorism.