Teller Report

A committee is considering reducing the cost of school transport in Dubai

9/15/2019, 10:06:51 PM

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has unveiled a joint committee with the Knowledge Development Authority and a number of members concerned with the school transport sector in the emirate of Dubai to study the cost of school transportation.

Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has unveiled a joint committee with the Knowledge Development Authority and a number of members concerned with the school transport sector in Dubai to study the cost of school transportation.

She added that the formation of the Committee comes at a time when the prices of school transport are not fixed to a certain ceiling, while there is no body responsible for controlling and setting the criteria for setting prices set by companies and schools that operate school buses.

The Commission confirmed the formation of the committee in cooperation with its strategic partners and concerned with the school transport sector, in order to study projects and initiatives that will reduce the cost of school transport, by creating additional sources of profit for the operators of school buses, adding that he expects to finalize the initiatives in the next few months, after The committee has finalized a detailed vision for a number of possible projects.

One of the initiatives being considered by the Committee was to allow school bus operators to place advertisements in appropriate areas of the bus, as a means of providing a source of income for schools, which would allow them to reduce school bus charges.

The initiatives also include allowing school bus operators to operate the bus to transport students to sports centers and clubs, and centers for memorizing the Koran, which serves several purposes as well, the most important of which is to ensure the transfer of students and children who go to those destinations, through buses under the supervision and supervision of the concerned authorities. .

She stressed that the Committee will be committed to the selection of initiatives, so as to ensure that they do not conflict with the application of the standards required to provide a school transport service in accordance with the best specifications of quality and safety conditions and safety.

The Public Transport Agency, which is affiliated to the Public Transport Authority, has conducted a previous study with the aim of discussing how to improve the organization of school transport in Dubai to international standards and standards, and issued a guide for school transport.

She added that the objectives of the study included active participation and development of services provided by the Public Transport Corporation for schools, and ensure the safe and easy movement of students in Dubai, through the development and application of international safety standards and standards on all school buses, in addition to effective supervision and control of school buses. And develop appropriate marketing strategies to enhance school bus services, to increase students' awareness of the services provided, and to increase the number of students using school buses.

It is worth mentioning that Dubai Taxi Corporation is one of the operators and investors in the school transport sector.

The number of schools contracted by the Foundation 21 schools and universities, including six schools on the seat rental, and 15 schools by bus rental.

The prices for service delivery for the seat system ranged from 3,500 to 8,600 dirhams, according to the school classification.

Key initiatives:

Placing advertisements in appropriate areas of the school bus as a means of providing income for schools.

Allow school bus operators to operate the bus to transport students to sports centers and clubs.