Teller Report

Want peace of mind? Eat chocolate and don't compare yourself to anyone

9/14/2019, 6:26:19 PM

People often feel that their happiness is linked to the quality of their relationships with others, which is not unusual given that we are social beings who care so much about the opinions of others about us, that sometimes we make their opinion more important than our own needs.

It is this social nature that we care so much about when we make our decisions that drives us to form relationships with others, because a sense of isolation is one of the worst experiences that a person is going through.

But constant anxiety about the opinions of others in us can lead to stress and insecurity, a situation that deprives us of happiness.

Confusing happiness and joy
According to Spanish writer Jessica Gomez, the author of Eat Chocolate and Don't Argue with Fools, happiness is available to everyone, but we don't know how to live it.Life is very simple, but it is people who complicate things.Happiness does not need anything to feel comfortable and satisfied.

There is a great confusion between happiness and joy, and its cause is a misunderstanding; because happiness is not the opposite of sadness, but a state of calm and dynamic balance with all the moments of joy, sadness, comfort, tension and ecstasy.

In an article published in the Spanish newspaper "Lavanguardia", writer Rossio Carmona advises you to eat chocolate, and not to compare yourself with others, and do not argue with fools.

Happiness is available to everyone, life is very simple, and happy people do not need anything to feel comfortable and satisfied (Getty Images)

Daily behaviors for a better life
So here are some simple principles associated with our daily behaviors that will make us have a better life.

1 - Eat chocolate
Whoever talks about chocolate speaks of that little pleasure that makes the skin look fresh when we bite the chocolate bar and our eyes are closed.

Occasionally, it is advisable to take a break and enjoy this sensation for five minutes away from the noise of the world, and away from prohibitions and diet, and all the concerns and responsibilities.

2 - Do not argue with fools
This advice is not only about arguments with fools, but also with every person who believes that he has the right opinion and that he has the absolute truth; discussion with this kind of people is a waste of time, energy and vitality.

This rule applies not only to family events and friends' meetings, but to sterile social media dialogues.

3 - Forget the time
Many tend to observe time and think about the future, especially when they are on their last holiday and about to return to work, where they live and their eyes hang on the watch. This anxious behavior does not make time pass slower, but rather prevents us from enjoying the rest of our time.

There is no need to keep up with people and imitate them, each of us has advantages and disadvantages, and all we have to do is love people as they are without comparisons.

4. Don't compare yourself to anyone else
Each of us is beautiful in its own way, so it's useless to enter into comparisons. Sometimes we see other children who have bought school supplies for the coming year since the beginning of summer, while others wait for the last day of the holiday to buy them.

In fact, there is no difference between the two, so there is no need to keep up with people and imitate them, we each have strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and all we have to do is to love people as they are without comparisons.

5. Choose your battles carefully
Sometimes we start the school year motivated by a great desire to change the world, and we make great efforts to address many issues, and once we reach the month of December we find ourselves exhausted all our energies and frustrated.

The wisdom is that you must choose the things you focus on, and prioritize carefully, so that you direct your efforts towards the really useful and important things, and do not waste them on side and imaginary battles.

Eat yogurt
This advice seems strange, especially when it comes to balancing life and peace of mind, but the reason for mentioning yogurt is that it is very useful for digestion and helps facilitate the process of entering the bathroom, and this is one of the things that make us feel comfortable in our lives.

Get rid of what is bothering you whether it is something simple or something complicated, such as the attitudes and behavior of some people (communication sites)

7 - Get rid of everything that hurts you
This advice is valid every time and place, but it becomes significant with the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, with a new spirit and goals.

This wisdom applies to September and all other months, but this is the best time to start implementing it, as this is the best period of change.

If there is anything that bothers you or causes you harm, get rid of it, whether it is something as simple as a shoe or belt, or something as complex as some people's attitudes and behavior.

Don't try to control everything
The rule says that if you try to control everything around you, you will lose control of everything, and enter the cycle of anger and frustration.

So you should focus on a few things you control, then put your trust in others to take care of the rest of the issues, and accept the results even if they are not what you want.

9. Simplify matters
Things must be simplified, because the search for perfection is an obstacle to happiness. It's natural not to be the best in everything, and you don't have to be the perfect person, so it's not necessary that everything goes well in your life.

10- Get rid of…
Exceptional situations require bold and exceptional decisions.If your partner is bothering you so much, you can simply remove the ring from your finger and dispose of it.

The same thing when the shoe causes you foot pain, or when the house is in a mess, or when you reach the middle of the book and feel you do not enjoy it.

When you have to hear criticism and grumble about others, or be surprised by someone you do not know who interferes with your life and criticizes your thoughts and actions, in this case you can simply ignore this inconvenience and proceed with your life, which are all courageous decisions that make you come closer to peace of mind and happiness.