Teller Report

United States: Open investigation into sexual abuse in Olympic sports

9/14/2019, 9:47:14 PM

Justice has opened an investigation into sexual assault in Olympic sports in the United States. These investigations are linked to the Nassar scandal, named after the doctor who was convicted of sexually assaulting hundreds of American gymnasts.

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Former doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to life imprisonment for sexually assaulting dozens of gymnasts for nearly 20 years. REUTERS / Brendan McDermid

Justice has opened an investigation into sexual assault in Olympic sports in the United States. These investigations are linked to the Nassar scandal, named after the doctor who was convicted of sexually assaulting hundreds of American gymnasts.

With our correspondent in New York, Loubna Anaki

This is a large-scale investigation to track the failings of the US Olympic system in cases of child abuse. In any case, this is what the Wall Street Journal reveals. According to the daily newspaper, the US Department of Justice targets Olympic and sports bodies, but also authorities such as the FBI for their management of this type of business.

Investigations that come in the wake of the sex scandal within the gymnastics federation. Between 1996 and 2014, more than 350 athletes were sexually assaulted by the doctor of the American women's team. The vast majority was minor at the material time.

Prison sentence for life

Convicted last year, Larry Nassar is currently serving a life sentence. But the pressure remains. The victims demand that all those who have closed their eyes or ignored the reports be identified and prosecuted. The former president of the Gymnastics Federation, who resigned two years ago, would be in the crosshairs of prosecutors.

According to the Wall Street Journal , the Justice Department has reportedly heard from many victims and witnesses in recent months to gather information about abuse in American sport. Gymnastics, but also taekwondo, swimming, skating, also shaken by scandals of sexual assault.

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