Teller Report

The tower guards pause the protest blast - the municipality calls for a meeting

9/14/2019, 5:59:08 PM

The tower guards in Ystad have been called to a meeting with the municipality. Therefore, they now cease their attentional blasts until the day of the meeting.

- Two of the employees are called to a meeting. There is no negotiation. You should be very clear about that, says museum director Sebastian Goksör.

But the Syndicalists' trade union organizer Cim Sävel sees the meeting as a won partial victory for both the union and the tower guards.

- It's still a meeting. The municipality can call it a meeting if they want, but the union will be there and negotiate. This shows that they have a will to try to get somewhere instead of shutting us out, she says.

The protest blast ceases

- We have decided to hold on to the blast until the day of the meeting, as a gesture that we are willing to raise the issue again. It is important to go to meetings, says Cim Sävel, trade union organizer.

Do not want to hire on a permanent basis

The conflict started this summer when the City of Ystad announced that they did not want to hire the guardian Ludvig Olsson until further notice and that they did not want to leave the profession to inherit. Since then, the guards have protested by blowing bugs off the church tower.

- I think it is very strange after three years, the reason is that you should be loaded in after two, he says.

The municipality can take it to court

Ystad Municipality believes that Ludvig Olsson works for few hours. The person who is to become a permanent employee must work at least 40 percent, according to the municipality.

This week, Ystad Municipality also announced that it is open to take it to court.

- You do not do your job as you are set to do. Actually, you break your mission as a guardian. If we have different positions on this issue then it will go to court to decide there, says Sebastian Goksör, museum director.