Teller Report

The counselor of the Andalusian Treasury, to the barricades against Sánchez for financing

9/14/2019, 6:05:08 PM

The Andalusian Minister of Finance, Industry and Energy no longer only cries out against the government of Pedro Sánchez for the financing in the offices. Juan Bravo has taken to the street

  • Frente.Moreno asks Sánchez to convene the Fiscal Policy Council and demands the payment of 1,350 million that he owes him in 2019
  • Requirement: The Government of Madrid challenges Montero and refuses to submit an adjustment plan

The Andalusian Minister of Finance, Industry and Energy no longer only cries out against the government of Pedro Sánchez for the financing in the offices. Juan Bravo has taken to the streets and has directly called for the mobilization of the citizens of the community to pressure the socialist executive and achieve the unlocking of the funds that the Ministry of Finance retains and that, in the Andalusian case, represent 1,350 million of euros.

Bravo sponsored a Popular Party campaign on Saturday aimed at mobilizing Andalusian society and collecting signatures against the Sánchez government under the slogan '# DefendAndalusia' that the formation wants to take to the last corner of the community and also through the social networks.

The campaign is officially promoted and developed by the PP Andaluz, but the Minister of Finance has been involved and endorsed in the presentation made by the secretary general of this party in the community, Dolores López.

The number two of the PP-A explained that, until now, the battle for financing had been limited to the institutional field, from the Andalusian Government and in Parliament, but now it is going to take another step and «we are going to do it in the street , because what is at stake is health, education, public services and the prosperity of Andalusians ».

Bravo, on the other hand, stressed that the payment of the 1,350 million euros that Sánchez's executive is blocking "are essential to do what we have done, such as the most social budgets in the history of Andalusia."

The counselor did not hesitate to denounce the "campaign" of Minister María Jesús Montero and the Sánchez government "not to pay the money" to the autonomous communities, insisting that he could have done so before calling the last general elections.

The Fiscal Policy Council

Along with this, Bravo reproached the president and the Minister of Finance in functions that have not convened the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, despite being able to do it, because it is an advisory body, and although it should be convened twice a year.

With the minister she was especially hard and warned of the "seriousness" of having a leader like Montero in charge of the Ministry of Finance "who lies ", as, he pointed out, made by ensuring that there was a report by the State Advocacy on deliveries to accounts that later recognized that it was only an oral consultation, or as when the minister assures that she will pay in the middle of next December at the time that she claims that, according to that supposed report, the acting executive could not do it.

"Montero lies again and is missing the truth, and that is serious in the field of finance, where two plus two must be four," he remarked, censoring that "forced" not to meet the deficit .

The campaign is the last step taken in a battle in which the same president of the Board did not rule out a few weeks ago to align even with the Catalan government and go to the Supreme Court to file a complaint against the Sanchez executive if he does not agree to unlock those funds immediately.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PP
  • Andalusia
  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Politics

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