Teller Report

Managers influence employees to vote for their friends and relatives

9/14/2019, 10:07:31 PM

Voters noticed some indirect solidarity from directors with candidates for the FNC 2019 elections, especially on social media, and candidates seeking to get closer to government officials in order to win them.

Voters noticed some indirect solidarity from managers with candidates for the FNC 2019 elections, especially on social media, and there are candidates seeking to approach government officials in an effort to win them.

They asserted that the elector must take responsibility for the vote he will make.

In detail, Shaimaa Khamis Al Kaabi of Fujairah said she has noticed indirect solidarity between government or private officials with certain candidates, whether for a friendship or an employee.

She pointed out that some officials are approaching these officials, by electing the official in solidarity with him, and most likely be his friend or a relative, as they seek to support the votes of other voters in favor of this candidate, ignoring the main objective behind the election process, which is to select the most efficient candidate from Experienced and knowledgeable in social and family affairs.

Badriya Rashid, from the Emirate of Fujairah, said that some officials approach employees during the voting period, in order to win the votes of voters for the benefit of their knowledge or for their own benefit, if they are candidates for membership in the National Council, as they send messages through social media accounts and application groups «Watts Father, to respond to some courtesy staff «Falak Tayyib», close to them at the expense of other candidates who provide better messages, and their potential outweigh those who solidarity with officials.

Issa Hassan, from Qudfa in Fujairah, supported the view that it is not easy to choose one candidate for another in the voting process, as the elector must hold himself responsible for this vote to be cast to one candidate without another, but some pressure is faced by the large number of propaganda Candidates of the National Assembly, through various means, also pressured officials on the lower-level employees to offer exaggerated promises to the candidate who they are in solidarity with, whether he is a relative or friend of this official, and prepare daily banquets in the workplace, all for the purpose of voting To his advantage.

On the other hand, the National Committee for the Federal National Council elections 2019, prevented the directors and officials of government or private departments to influence voters, in order to vote for a candidate without another, and work to persuade them, in order to gain the support of voters of employees working in these bodies.

The Committee warned that no government entity, company or institution in which the Government is a part of the shares, may provide any form of material or moral support, facilities or resources to any candidate, or take any action that would directly affect or Indirectly in the election campaign of any candidate, whether this effect is in the interest of or against the candidate.