Teller Report

Houthi attacks .. Washington offers support to defend Saudi Arabia and accuses Iran

9/14/2019, 10:11:19 PM

US President Donald Trump spoke by telephone with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to support Riyadh in defending itself, the White House said, while US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of being behind the attacks on Saudi Arabia.

He added that the United States strongly condemns the attack on the infrastructure of the energy sector in Saudi Arabia, pointing out the negative impact of the attacks "terrorist attacks on oil refineries of Aramco on the US economy and the world."

In turn, the Saudi crown prince stressed his country's ability to confront and deal with what he called terrorist aggression, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

For his part, the US Secretary of State said there is no evidence that the attacks that targeted Saudi Arabia today started from Yemen, adding that Tehran is behind some 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia, and that the United States will work with its allies to hold them accountable for its aggression.

Pompeo said in tweets on Twitter that while President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claim to engage in diplomacy, amid all calls to reduce the escalation, Iran is launching unprecedented attacks on the world's energy supply.

Pompeo called on the world to publicly and unequivocally condemn the Iranian attacks, adding that the United States will work with its partners to ensure the continued flow of energy markets.

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The biggest operation
The Saudi Interior Ministry announced the targeting of two Aramco plants in Abqaiq province and the migration of Khurais in the east of the country by drones.

The Houthis, in the words of their military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sari, said the attack was carried out by 10 drones and that the targeting was direct and accurate.

The Saudi Interior Ministry said in a statement reported by the Saudi news channel that the industrial security teams in Aramco were able to control two fires that broke out in the two factories of the company after being targeted by drones. The competent authorities have launched an investigation into the targeting.

The Houthis called today's attack on Aramco's facilities a "second balance of terror," adding that their goals bank in Saudi Arabia is expanding day by day and that Riyadh has no solution but to stop "aggression and siege."

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