Teller Report

Has been called one of the world's largest public health problems - unknown to many

9/14/2019, 8:56:19 PM

Each month, around 11,000 people die of venom snake bites - a figure that the World Health Organization WHO wants to halve. But there is a big problem. - Antidotes are expensive, many die from something that could be controlled, says snake park manager Bonface Momanyi.

Kilifi Province is one of the regions where most die from snake bites in Kenya. There is also Bio-Ken snake farm, a snake park where you work on training about snakes and snake bites.

And education is one of the points that WHO states is important in the fight to reduce the number of deaths. At the same time, the right antidote is also at hand - something that Menza Benjamin became aware of when he was thirteen and was bitten by a black mamba.

"I couldn't speak, not swallow, not get up," he says.

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