Teller Report

Four people died from gas from rotten potatoes in the Chelyabinsk region

9/14/2019, 7:47:08 PM

Four people died in the Kusinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region due to gas poisoning from rotten potatoes.

According to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergencies, the dead were found in the basement of a residential building.

“There was a message about the discovery of the bodies of three people without signs of life in the cellar of a private home in the village of Magnitka, Kusinsky district,” the statement said.

It is noted that another discovered person showed signs of life. The man was urgently hospitalized, but died in a medical institution.

According to TASS, a source in emergency services, the cause of death was the accumulation of gas from rotten potatoes. Later, the head of the district, Yuri Lysyakov, confirmed this information to the agency.

“In the basement of a one-story house, there was an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Residents who went down to the basement were poisoned by gas, ”he said.

Earlier in the Zavolzhsky district of Ulyanovsk, several residents of an apartment building were poisoned by gas due to a malfunction of the gas column.